Ever find yourself in need to share file over the network quickly, but find yourself lacking time to setup a proper NFS or samba share? Here’s a way to do this with the good old Python CLI.
- First, go to the directory that you want to share, for example ~/Desktop
- Then run this command "python -m SimpleHTTPServer"
- You may access the folder from a remote computer using any webrowser using the url –, change the ip address accordingly

You may find this technique offers limited options to share files, but its a real time saver!
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Excellent ,Marveles ,Superb.
Thank you for giving this thought.
really interesting article.. how u do the tag cloud? its very nice..
Really intersting.. I get it now.. its very useful for me when i want to sharing a file..
You can use thttpd also for sharing files over the network. I have discuss it here: http://mpathirage.com/quickly-share-your-files-over-the-network-in-linux/.
Cool!!! I find it is useful for me when i need share some files.
Its been awhile I didn’t see u online irc, where have u been?