Share files quickly using python3

You can enable quick file sharing using python3 by activating its built-in internal webserver


python3 -m http.server

The default webserver will listen to port 8000, you can change to any port above 1024 without root privileges by specifying the port number after the command:

python3 -m http.server 9090

Quick and Dirty Network File sharing with Python

Ever find yourself in need to share file over the network quickly, but find yourself lacking time to setup a proper NFS or samba share? Here’s a way to do this with the good old Python CLI.

  • First, go to the directory that you want to share, for example ~/Desktop
  • Then run this command "python -m SimpleHTTPServer"
  • You may access the folder from a remote computer using any webrowser using the url –, change the ip address accordingly
Simple HTTP Server
file sharing with python

You may find this technique offers limited options to share files, but its a real time saver!