nmap scanning for ip camera in the network

Here’s an nmap snippet for scanning for hidden cctv / ip camera in the network

nmap -sV --script=http-enum,http-title,rtsp-url-brute -p 80,443,554,8000 <ip range>

Or you can write as :

sudo nmap -sV --script=http-enum,http-title,rtsp-url-brute -p 80,443,554,8000

Make sure you have permission to scan on the network!

Getting Rid of /.well-known/traffic-advice 404 errors in nginx web server

It seems Google have implemented private prefetch proxy in Chrome for Android.

The upside of this private prefetch proxy is improved browsing experience for mobile users by reducing waiting time for web pages to load.

The downside is, as web server administrators – you might find a lot of 404 status in your web logs.

To solve this, you could either :

  • Write directive to ignore 404 logs for “traffic-advice”
  • Create “/.well-known/traffic-advice file for each domain and set the file to be served with “application/trafficadvice+json” MIME type [source]


Luckily, TechTitBits have come up with a convenient solution which only involves adding a few lines in configuration files to enable Chrome for Android prefetched proxy in nginx.

location = /.well-known/traffic-advice {
    types { }
    default_type "application/trafficadvice+json; charset=utf-8";
    return 200 '[{ "user_agent": "prefetch-proxy", "fraction": 1 }]';

With this solution, you would only need to add the location block within the server { } context in the site configurations.

Thank you for the tip: Traffic Advice configuration for Nginx

Bash code for analyzing web server traffic to determine which ip accessed the web server the most

# Check if a log file was specified
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 access.log"
exit 1
if [ ! -f "$LOG_FILE" ]; then
echo "Error: Log file does not exist."
exit 1
# Analyze the log file to find the top IP addresses
echo "Analyzing the log file to find the top $TOP_IPS IP addresses..."
awk '{print $1}' "$LOG_FILE" | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n "$TOP_IPS" | awk '{print "IP: " $2 ", Access Count: " $1}'

This handy script is useful for webserver traffic analysis task. It can be use to detect abusive IP address or spambots which accesses the webserver.

ystem administrators can utilize the generated list of IP addresses to enhance webserver security by blocking those IPs deemed potentially harmful or suspicious.

Configuration to run OJS 3 smoothly behind nginx reverse proxy

A lot of people struggling in configuring PKP Open Journal System 3 (OJS3) to run behind nginx reverse proxy as OJS3 does not support nginx natively

So most implementation would settle with Apache HTTPD server or install it behind nginx reverse proxy.

However the problem is that the OJS3 behave badly when placed behind nginx reverse proxy, especially when the reverse proxy is using HTTPS / TLS. This messed up the based URL in the OJS3, subsequently causing some resources from the website to be unavailable.

To solve this, you only need to add a single line in the Apache HTTPD site configuration file.

        SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Proto "https" HTTPS=on

A full blown example is included via gist

# Mohammad Hafiz bin Ismail <mypapit@gmail.com>
# blog.mypapit.net
# this is for Ubuntu/Debian Apache server config
<VirtualHost *:9080>
ServerAdmin ojs@example.com
ServerName ojs-site.example.com
ServerAlias ojs-site.com
DocumentRoot /mnt/websites/ojs/public_html
#add this line -- this is essential!!
SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Proto "https" HTTPS=on
<Directory /mnt/websites/ojs/public_html/>
Options FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Allow from all

Solving DKIM verification FAILED with Bad Format in Gmail email messages

DKIM (Domain keys identified Mail) is a scheme for which allows a receiver to verify that the email originated (or authorized) by the domain’s owner via a digital signature.

Having DKIM signature adds credibility to the email messages sent from the origin host/domain, which is crucial for automated emailing system to avoid the messages from being suspected as SPAM email or spoofed email.

I managed to set up DKIM for an academic journal website which I’ve managed. The journal’s runs on Open Journal System web application, the addition of DKIM is crucial to avoid GMail or Microsoft Live from labeling the automated emails sent from the academic journal from being labeled as spam.

At first I found that the DKIM scheme that I’ve setup was running fine and the email messages was verified correctly from my Organizational email domain. However, I’ve noticed a problem when the automated email sent from OJS is not properly verified by Gmail-addressed account (@gmail.com). Upon inspection in the email header, I’ve noticed that the GMail marked the DKIM signature sent from my domain as “bad format”. Example below:

DKIM:	'FAIL' with domain jcrinn.com

dkim=neutral (bad format) header.i=@example.com header.s=mail header.b=AbCdE5g;

After hours of searching and debugging, including referring to the DKIM NS TXT record for reference, I finally found out that Gmail treat the “g=*” optional parameter as required, and thus I’ve to append “;g=*” to the DKIM TXT record on my domains’ DNS record.

So it become similar like this:

TXT default._domainkey  v=DKIM1; p=yourPublicKeywHiCHi5+abit+1OnG; g=*

After altering the records, it seems GMAIL finally able to verify the automated emails sent from my OJS-based web application

The “signed-by” is visible when DKIM is successfully validated by GMail

Hopefully this will work out fine for you too!

P/S: DigitalOcean has an excellent tutorial on DKIM installation and setup in GNU/Linux operating system.