Configuration to run OJS 3 smoothly behind nginx reverse proxy

A lot of people struggling in configuring PKP Open Journal System 3 (OJS3) to run behind nginx reverse proxy as OJS3 does not support nginx natively

So most implementation would settle with Apache HTTPD server or install it behind nginx reverse proxy.

However the problem is that the OJS3 behave badly when placed behind nginx reverse proxy, especially when the reverse proxy is using HTTPS / TLS. This messed up the based URL in the OJS3, subsequently causing some resources from the website to be unavailable.

To solve this, you only need to add a single line in the Apache HTTPD site configuration file.

        SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Proto "https" HTTPS=on

A full blown example is included via gist

# Mohammad Hafiz bin Ismail <>
# this is for Ubuntu/Debian Apache server config
<VirtualHost *:9080>
DocumentRoot /mnt/websites/ojs/public_html
#add this line -- this is essential!!
SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Proto "https" HTTPS=on
<Directory /mnt/websites/ojs/public_html/>
Options FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Allow from all

How to convert Microsoft Office *.docx files to PDF using Linux in command-line

Here’s how to convert Microsoft Office *.docx files to PDF using Linux in Command Line.
This trick can also be used together with other documents files supported by LibreOffice

First make sure you’ve installed the latest version of LibreOffice for use in command line environment.
Assuming the user is ‘example’ and the filename to convert is ‘doc.pdf’.

libreoffice --headless -convert-to pdf --outdir /home/example/ /home/example/doc.docx

The conversion can also be adapted to PHP or Python using their respective shell_exec or subprocess directive.

Automatically generate gallery with llgal

LLGAL (llgal) is an tool which can automatically generate gallery on your website. llgal is handy if you want to generate photo album out of photos organized in directories/folders.

Running llgal from the console is easy as typing the llgal command at the root directory of your photos.

llgal --exif --li -L -R --title "Album Name" --sx 960 --sy 720 --tx 250 --ty 150

In Ubuntu, the gallery’s theme is located in “/usr/share/llgal/” directory and my customized theme which supports mobile phone can be downloaded here: (mobile enabled)

llgal Screenshot

Personally, i use llgal to generate cctv tiles automatically on my Ubuntu server from which my TP-LINK NC450 and NC250 IP camera uploads through its FTP functions when it detects movements/motion.



llgal can be installed on Ubuntu by running this command

apt -y install llgal

Alternatively you can compile and install llgal directly from its repository

Nano command for search and replace

I spend most of my time with headless Ubuntu server or Raspbian (a Debian derivatives distro for Raspberry Pi).

So naturally I use ‘nano’ to edit various configurations files and Python Scripts.

Here are several ‘nano’ shortcuts for your references


  • CTRL-W : search text string
  • ALT-W : repeat search
  • ALT-B : Backward search

Search and Replace

  • CTRL-\  search and replace

Cut, Copy and Paste

  • CTRL-K : Cut text
  • CTRL-V : Paste text
  • M-^ or ESc-^ : Copy text

Save and Exit

  • CTRL-O : Save file
  • CTRL-X : Exit nano

Indentation (useful for Python)

  • M-} :  Indent Right
  • M-{ : Indent Left (unindent)


That’s all which I can share for today…


Easyrec – Integrate Recommender Engine in your website – open source

Easyrec is an open source recommender engine which can be trained and customized to provide personalized recommendations using REStful Web Service.

Easyrec exposes its functionality through REST API which provides several interaction types:


  1. view
  2. buy
  3. sendaction


  1. other users also viewed
  2. other users also bought
  3. items rated good by other users
  4. recommendations for user
  5. related items
  6. action history for user

Community Rankings

  1. most viewed items
  2. most bought items
  3. most rated items
  4. best rated items
  5. worst rated items

The list of recommendations is returned in XML and JSON notation to be further processed by your web application.

Easyrec API can be accessed from its main website or could be installed alongside with the web application on your own server. Easyrec require at least Java 1.5 and MySQL server for its functionality.

Download easyrect from:

A Bash script for sending telegram messages in Linux

Would it be nice to be able to receive notification from your Linux system in Telegram?


I’ve come up with a rudimentary bash script which lets you integrate the telegram-cli into your own script which is useful for sending messages or notification within automated process to your Telegram account.

The bash script is very useful when you want to send notification to your Telegram account. Example usage: notifying you instantly whenever a backup has been completed or whenever somebody logged into your system or if there’s a brute-force attempt to log into your SSH. Basically anything that you can imagine!

First Step: Install telegram-cli

The first step is to install the telegram-cli client on your Linux system. You may choose to:

  1. Build it on your own – using source code, or
  2. Install telegram-cli from *.deb (Ubuntu LTS only)

IMPORTANT: Please read on how to initialize and sign-in the telegram-cli and key in the required telegram “CODE” in your phone.

Second Step: Copy script to /usr/local/bin

You may copy this telegram bash script and chmod it to be executed from command line (up to you).

Download the script at:

# telegram-cli bash script r0.1
# change 'to' to your own  Telegram account name
# by =  Mohammad Hafiz bin Ismail  []
# url=

## Replace 'to' with your account name


function show_usage {

 echo "Usage $0 [message]"

if [ $# -lt 1 ]

telegram-cli -W -e "msg $to $1"

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to “chmod a+x” the “” script.
IMPORTANT: Change the “to” variable in the script to match your own Telegram username.

Third Step: Using the script

Using the is easy!

Once you’ve logged in and initialized your telegram-cli application. You only need to execute the “” to send instant messages to your Telegram account!

Just do this

wget -c
cp /usr/local/bin/

Then chmod it, to make it executable,

sudo chmod a+x  /usr/local/bin/

IMPORTANT: Change the “to” variable in the script to match your own Telegram username.

sudo nano /usr/local/bin/

To test your telegram script, just make sure you’ve logged into Telegram and telegram-cli, and have entered the correct activation “CODE”. Read Step 1, if you are unsure.

Then you may try out the script "this is my message"

To send telegram message with timestamp type: "`date -I` : this is a message with timestamp"

What should I do next?

Use your imagination! You can integrate this script in crontab, or put it inside another another bash script or conditional operation, or even launch it from a web application, the potential is limitless.

Happy trying!