FLV2MPEG4 : Convert FLV to MPEG4

Here is an easy way to convert Adobe Flash Video files (FLV) to MPEG-4 using a tool called flv2mpeg4.

  1. First you need to download flv2mpeg4 using svn from its project websites

    svn co https://vixynet.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vixynet/trunk vixynet


  2. Install ffmpeg, libavcodec-dev, libavformat-dev and libavutil-dev package
  3. read the docs and compile flv2mpeg4

You can convert flash video file to mpeg4 by executing :
flv2mpeg4 youtube.flv youtube.mpeg4

Alternatively you can install flv2mpeg4 from GetDeb.net website.

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