Previously I’ve published how to upgrade Ubuntu Linux operating system to the latest release using “upgdate-manager” tool. But what if the computer you are upgrading does not have internet connection ?
Upgrading to Hardy Heron without Internet Connection
- Download and burn the alternate installation CDROM
- Put it in your CDROM Drive and follow the instruction
- If nothing happened, you can launch upgrade manager by typing :
gksu “sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade”
That’s all hope you can enjoy the latest Ubuntu 8.04 LTS release !
It’s not stupid… I tell you my story an how i finally came to this blog:
The motherboard from my little home server are damaged and so, i buy a new intel atom system. I cloned back the hard disk with my ubuntu server distribution, that has a lot of custom stuff and spend a lot of hard work and knowledge.
But hey, the ubuntu server boot ok, but the ethernet card are not recognized. So, i have not internet connection, not even local connection.
The nightmare: Sould i make a new install of the ubuntu server 8.10 witch recognize the ethernet card (checked already, dual boot with Kubuntu 8.10). And all the custom configs i done already? It takes me many days to make them again.
But no, a nice guy named mypapit posted in his blog a solution to upgrade my ubuntu server to 8.10 version without internet connection.
So after a while, after the upgrade to 8.10, the ethernet card are recognized and my ubuntu server are online again!!! I save all the custom work…
There is no stupid comments… What is stupid for one, is gold for another one… It’s better to be quiet if the comment is useless for you instead to blame it…
Let me tell you what is stupid: Limiting capabilities of a man in front of a problem with your own imagination. If the title is “upgrading without internet connection”, it is supposed to explain a way which does not require an internet connection in any step of the procedure. Otherwise, it has some problem. zombie stated that problem. It’s OK, up to now. Clearly there’s something that the author missed. But what you do is, chris, I’m sorry but, inacceptable. Clearly, somebody can obtain the installer CD without downloading it, for example, he can borrow it from a friend. Or if he has a download quota, he can order an official free copy. Or else, If this guy has no wideband connection. In all these situtations, it’s banned of using a fresh Ubuntu, in your opinion.
What a stupid comment
Upgrading to Hardy Heron without Internet Connection
1. Download and burn the alternate installation CDROM
SURELY if you didnt have an internet connection you couldnt download the installation cdrom.
Same here–around file 1700 or so it started going to the internet–I had a connection, but it’s SLOW. Hoped to avoid this pain by following this method.
I tried, but it still insists in downloading some packages, even when It asked if I wanted to download new packages and clicked no
Since I have no internet on this machine it stays there forever waiting to download them
I wonder how simple it is…
thank you, I’ll try it :)