Connecting TMNet Streamyx Broadband while using Ubuntu

I write this because people have been sending me questions regarding how to connect streamyx broadband service on Ubuntu Linux. IMHO, this thing happened for two reasons

  1. Ubuntu has been shipping GNU/Linux for free
  2. Ubuntu doesn’t provide obvious way to connect to broadband

OK now, just cross your finger, open a gnome-terminal, and type :
$ sudo pppoeconf

and follow the step-by-step screenshot! Heh, i’m not being lazy to type the rest of the guide, I just don’t know how to write a proper one!

16 Replies to “Connecting TMNet Streamyx Broadband while using Ubuntu”

  1. slm,

    aq type sudo pppoeconf
    pastu kie kuar [sudo] password username:
    tpi aq nk taip password x bley
    tkn key huruf x nk kuar
    camne ek?


  2. Geng macam mana nak set outgoing Email through evolution mail, asyik dok diplay Error

  3. great tutorials… i just got my copy of ubuntu yesterday… haha…

    btw.. thanks for dropping by at my site. =) cheerz~

  4. allo papit…

    pkai ubuntu pn leh connect streamyx yerk?
    apa kata kalo pkai suse ke,fedora ke,red hat 9 ke?

    amacam?bleh ke?
    aku dh try tp tak b’jaya la pit…

  5. bang, sy ikut guide abg kat atas, tp slalu terputus2..
    tengah online je disconnect..
    slalu kene “pon” kat terminal, baru bole online balik..
    abg tau tak nape..

    *sy newbie dlm Linux, skang pakai ubuntu 5.06

  6. boleh tak tolong ajar macam mana nak pakai internet guna ubuntu. aku guna streamyx.macam mana
    nak setting. terima kasih

  7. rromie,

    Any broadband modem will work with Ubuntu (and the rest of GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, etc), as long as it is not a USB broadband modem.

    Pick a modem that use RJ45 connector, the one that plugged right to the network card, and you’ll be fine :)

    If you dont have a network card, then you better get a network card, typical price is RM25-RM45 (generic rtl-8139 type)

  8. Nice guide, I have tried Ubuntu too. However main drawback is that I haven’t got broadband yet, hence the apt-get took hours. Now I’m considering to get broadband, can you recomment a modem that will work in ubuntu? Thanks.

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