I’ve compiled an easy to install Ubuntu *.deb package for telegram-cli.
PART 1: List of telegram-cli DEB package binaries
Install *.deb package by running this command (on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty)
sudo apt-get -y install libjansson4 sudo dpkg -i telegram-cli_1.0.6-1_amd64.deb
Running telegram-cli is as easy as typing
PART 2: Running telegram-cli
For first time login, you may need to key in the authorization code, the code will be sent to your mobile device to allow ‘telegram-cli’ to log as your username.
Once the authorization CODE has been entered, you are free to use telegram. Telegram use the concept of ‘peer’ (contact) to send messages instead of phone number. So in order to get a list of your peer, you need to run “contact_list” command.
> contact_list John_T_Doe Jane_doe_2 Warrick_Brown Mark_Nelson
To send message to a peer/contact (for example to Warrick Brown), just type
> msg Warrick_Brown "wassup, dude? want to hang out today?"
To quit, you can type
> safe_quit
I guess it will work.