How to open Microsoft OpenXML *.docx file in OpenOffice Ubuntu

Now you can open and read documents written in the notorious Microsoft Office OpenXML (*.docx) with OpenXML Translator.

What you need to do is download the OpenXML translator from and install it in your Ubuntu Linux operating system.

Your application should be able to read documents files in *.docx format after this. Note that you need to restart your Writer if you can’t see the Microsoft Office 2007 OpenXML option under the Load/Save dialog.

Guide for other Linux distribution can be found here – How to open Microsoft OpenXML docx documents in OpenOffice

[tags]openoffice,,microsoft,openxml,open source, open standard,office,microsoft office,ubuntu,linux[/tags]

3 Replies to “How to open Microsoft OpenXML *.docx file in OpenOffice Ubuntu”

  1. Works great! i was trying to use the latest version of this package by novell but didn’t work. Thanks!

  2. Good one. I was using Wine for running a few .exe applications on Linux. We’ll see more of such softwares like OpenXML translator as it is the need of the time.

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