Mandrake Linux: My First Linux distro Experience

I started to use Linux around 2001, when I was advised to write a two pass assembler for SIC/XE machine using a unix-like operating system at that time back in my University.

It is not that I don’t have access to the university shell account, but the lecturer encourage us to try and install GNU/Linux operating system on our personal computer so we could learn more about the so called unix clone. The lecturer mentions that he uses Red Hat Linux 7.1 at that time, and shows a demo how the Linux works.

Intrigue, I went to local cd shop and bought Continue reading “Mandrake Linux: My First Linux distro Experience”

Walking the path…

There’s differences between knowing the Path, and walking the Path

There’s definitely a lot of differences between the two. Walking the Path is much harder, takes more determination and hardship.

…but how can I walk the Path, If I don’t know one?

Chile has better internet service than Malaysia

This come out during an IRC session with a friend from Malaysia, currently on extended holiday in Chile. I asked him to make a comparison because he subscribed broadband internet connection during his holiday.

Suprisingly he told me that Chile internet connection is far more superior than the one offered in Malaysia (read: Streamyx), mainly because :

  • He gets what he pays for, 1Mbps connection for 1Mbps package
  • The connection is stable
  • Bittorrent isn’t capped

I clearly understand that TM can’t do anything about the slow internet connection resulting from Taiwan earthquake, but the low-quality of Streamyx service has been voiced out a lot of time. You can read 1st hand experiences told from satisfied TM Streamyx customers, [one], [two], [ three ], [ four ], [ five ], [six], and the list goes on, as if the name Streamyx is associated with “bad broadband service”

TM clearly does little about it besides blaming users of P2P software for choking up their bandwidth.

It is odd when a country like Chile can provide a stable internet connection without Bittorrent capping while Malaysia that have Multimedia Super Corridor ( a Sillicon Valley-wannabe ) can’t do the same.


Earthquake in Taiwan affects Ubuntu security updates

I guess by the time of this writing, almost everybody is already aware about the earthquake in Taiwan that distrupts communication lines from Asia to United States. I wrote this because I’ve grown tired of waiting for my Ubuntu Linux to finish its software updates.

Currently my surfing speed is somewhat very limited with only a handful websites hosted outside Asia is reachable. As most of my favorite websites are located outside the region, then I guess it’s time for me to start appreciating locally hosted website like FOSSfm and the local internet Yellowpages.

I hope the connection will improve soon, my ISP estimates that the internet connection will be restored back to normal in three weeks. I’m crossing my fingers now as I badly need a reliable connection to download Ubuntu software and security updates for my pc.

[tags]ubuntu, linux, debian, taiwan, earthquake, open source, internet[/tags]

Mypapit GNU Linux comments are off

I’d like to announce that I’ve switched off the comments box for mypapit gnu/linux blog until further notice, You can use the contact form if you wish to send me feedbacks on any of my posts. Sorry for the inconveniences caused.


Some Servicing Required

I’m Upgrading/Optimizing my WordPress blog software, please inform me if my blog loads slowly.

Meanwhile, I think i’m going to be busy for the next couple of days, doing some stuffs, but I promise will be back with some cool post for you guys. Thanks for reading anyway.