This come out during an IRC session with a friend from Malaysia, currently on extended holiday in Chile. I asked him to make a comparison because he subscribed broadband internet connection during his holiday.
Suprisingly he told me that Chile internet connection is far more superior than the one offered in Malaysia (read: Streamyx), mainly because :
- He gets what he pays for, 1Mbps connection for 1Mbps package
- The connection is stable
- Bittorrent isn’t capped
I clearly understand that TM can’t do anything about the slow internet connection resulting from Taiwan earthquake, but the low-quality of Streamyx service has been voiced out a lot of time. You can read 1st hand experiences told from satisfied TM Streamyx customers, [one], [two], [ three ], [ four ], [ five ], [six], and the list goes on, as if the name Streamyx is associated with “bad broadband service”
TM clearly does little about it besides blaming users of P2P software for choking up their bandwidth.
It is odd when a country like Chile can provide a stable internet connection without Bittorrent capping while Malaysia that have Multimedia Super Corridor ( a Sillicon Valley-wannabe ) can’t do the same.
You got that right, I don’t know what to make to those BABIHARAMJADAH whose is handling our streamyx services, it just me or our internet services getting slower by the day, I just couldn’t understand what is really happening here.
Let me tell you guys the reason.
Malaysia can still offer 384K bandwidth? Popular plan at 512K & 1Mbps?
Advanced and developed countries are offering over 25Mbps.
including Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, China.
That’s after the government push for competition and unbundling.
(some even before unbundling are also running at >4Mbps)
Still Malaysia want to claim to be IT hub? gosh! No wonder Malaysia Telcos are making money…and economic booming (just a little)
All at the expense of people welfare.
Guess you people should start to demand.
Well what makes malaysia a third world country ??