DIY Cooling my DSL-2640T ADSL Broadband wifi Router

This is the continuity of my previous posts My Modem Gone Up in Smoke! and Inside My Linux DLink G-604T Broadband Modem/Router. Seems my local vendor finally replaced my faulty G-640T after eight month use with a new broadband wifi/router with same capabilities albeit different model (G-2640T). The new model is smaller, has shorter antenna and generate more heat than its predecessor.

I hate going back and forth from computer shop and my house to claim warranty, I prefer to have a fully working hardware that I can truly rely on. Thus acting on advice from my blog readers (especially Azmeen and Kucau I decided to improve the air ventilation for my broadband modem.

Because I dont have an air conditioner, I have to improvise in order to keep my modem cool and ventilated, I removed the outer casings of the modem and attached an ordinary 12volt casing fan on top of it with a strong glue. I powered the fan with a general purpose low voltage AC/DC adaptor (‘walkman’ adaptor) to make sure the modem stays cool during operation.

The Result
Without fan, the modem capacitors heat up so fast (approx 30 minutes) that it could burn up my fingers. The attached casing fan dissipate heat quickly resulting the modem circuits felt as cold as water.

Here’s a photo of my modification

Here’s a link to my other sloppy DIY work :p


My Modem gone up in smoke !

I’ve a sad news to share with everybody here, my D-Link G604T ADSL modem had gone up in smoke today. I don’t know what caused it, but I suspected long duration of use (24/7) might contribute to its demise.

Now I’m stuck with the spare Kasda ADSL modem, hard to dial out, a bit unreliable but it does its job of keeping me connected to the internet.

I think i need to save some money to buy myself a new modem after this, preferably one that can operate non-stop 24/7. I heard linksys and 3com modem are good but the latter is much harder to find at my place.

Any tips on buying a new ADSL router (preferably wifi capable) ?


April’s Full : Might be the busiest month in 2007

April’s must be my busiest month so far, my desks is piled with a lot of academic journal article to read and some academic writing to do. Thus I can guarantee that this blog will have the sparsest post in 2007.

I’m also working to improve this blog by changing the style of my writing to make it clearer to casual readers. The reason for doing this because I noticed that some of my article is hard to read because I usually write on-the-spot without much planning. So I decided it is best for me to plan my posts first before posting it in order to improve the readability and improve my writings.

WordPress 2.1.3 and 2.0.10
In another separate news, has released yet another security update for the WordPress blogging platform which fixes XML-RPC interface issues and XSS vulnerabilities.

WordPress users are suggested to upgrade their installation to the latest release to avoid from being compromised.

[tags]wordpress, april, personal, announcement[/tags]

5 Things I hate about Ubuntu

I believe some of you have already read my blog and will summarize that I’m an Ubuntu user and advocator.

However, having said that doesn’t mean that I dont have things that I hate about Ubuntu, and they are :

  1. Windows manager (GNOME) is damn too slow compared with other distro
  2. Eats a lot of memory in desktop mode
  3. It has defective or near unusable packages (ie ffmpeg, scribus)
  4. Depends too much on internet connection for package installations and management
  5. Default installation does not include applications and codecs that I use most. I had to rely to the *internet* to get those apps installed (read above) (a small issue but an issue nevertheless)

Those are the 5 things that crossed my mind when I switched on my computer and use Ubuntu everyday. What’s yours?


My 500th Post! Never thought I get this far

Just few posts ago I realised that I’ve passed my 500th post!

I never thought I could get this far when I started this blog, because I felt that I’m not much of a writer when I started this blog, but phew… this is a milestone for me.

Hopefully that you guys will stay in touch with my writings in the future. Next milestone, 1000th post?

Stay tune for more Linux and open source posts from me…
