Mandrake Linux: My First Linux distro Experience

I started to use Linux around 2001, when I was advised to write a two pass assembler for SIC/XE machine using a unix-like operating system at that time back in my University.

It is not that I don’t have access to the university shell account, but the lecturer encourage us to try and install GNU/Linux operating system on our personal computer so we could learn more about the so called unix clone. The lecturer mentions that he uses Red Hat Linux 7.1 at that time, and shows a demo how the Linux works.

Intrigue, I went to local cd shop and bought Mandrake Linux 8.0 (comes with 3CDs, now Mandriva) and install it on my pc.

I can’t remember why I choose Mandrake Linux instead of Red Hat at that time, but I think It must have something to do that Red Hat isn’t available on the computer cd shop that I went, and partly because of my defiant and inquisitive attitude :p

After the first installation, I find it easier to use command line interface of GNU/Linux compared to Windows 98.

FYI : I never use Windows 98 until 2000, and before that I use the old 386 machine my dad bought back in 1993 until 2000. So Windows 98 “My Computer” management is kinda new to me, and I use to “dir/w”, “format a:” to do stuff back then in 2001.

Back then Mandrake Linux is much easier to use than Red Hat Linux 7.1, it has a friendlier RPM management tool ‘rpmdrake’, easy to use tools for beginners and useful documentations.

Mandrake Linux 8.0 (Traktopel) at that time gives me greater control of software customization during installation compared to Red Hat 7.1 that only allows you to select between the not-so-descriptive (Desktop or Server) installations.

My friends were impressed by the boot up screen of Mandrake back then too, because it uses Aurora boot screen, while their Red Hat Linux distro still stuck at OK/FAILED GREEN-RED combinations. (This is similar to bootsplash, but Mandrake team makes it look much cooler!, btw Aurora project is dead now)


It may not sound like a big deal to you, but boot up splash screen was a bit new at that time that some users don’t even know what to call it

After that I got a lot of people coming to my place asking me to make a copy of my Mandrake Linux CD for them to use, which makes my first Linux experience more memorable.

Note: Mandrake Linux now has changed its name to Mandriva Linux after the parent company merge with Connectiva.

Well that’s my story of my first GNU/Linux distro, what’s yours ?

[tags]linux,mandriva,mandrake,distro,mandriva linux[/tags]

2 Replies to “Mandrake Linux: My First Linux distro Experience”

  1. oh yeah! i was using mandrake for at least a year :) a few years back.

    Its good to know that there are lecturers who use linux/unix themselves and encourage their students to use em too :-)

  2. oh your screen shot brings back such sweet memories!!! sad to say today madriva isn’t just what they used to be anymore.

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