Solution to libctiny and wcrt – LNK2001 unresolved external symbol __chkstk

I’m not sure if any of you ever use libctiny or wcrt, they are both meant to be use with Microsoft Visual Studio so that your resulting binary won’t use the default Microsoft run-time library which slightly bloats the exe.

By using one of these libraries, you can greatly reduce your resulting binary from an average of 20KB to 7KB, depending on your application.

The chkstk problem

The problem arises when the application you just compiled fails to link with an error message: “LNK2001 : unresolved external symbol __chkstk” .

libctiny wcrt chkstk link error

This got to do with the “Ignore all default libraries” option which you’ve to check when using this library. Apparently one library which is required by a routine inserted by the Microsoft tools (chkstk) was excluded from linking as well.

Solution to the problem

Manually include the library! The routine/function is included in an object file named “chkstk.obj”, just put it in the link dialog box beside libctiny/wcrt, and the problem will be settled.

wga fakap #2 chkstk libctiny

I hope that this will solve your problem !

Download OpenBSD 3.9 ISO

OpenBSD 3.9 was released May 1st, 2006! I know it has been two weeks since its release, but I want to share with you the openbsd cd iso that I use to install it.

OpenBSD is a nice BSD-variant operating system that strongly emphasis on security and free software (according to their definition). You can download the custom made OpenBSD 3.9 ISO via bittorrent from

If you like OpenBSD, then please consider giving donations to keep the project alive !

Windows Genuine Advantage tattoo cracks

I’m sure by this time almost everybody is now familiar with Windows Genuine Advantage ‘tattoo’ that identifies your illegal copy of Microsoft Windows product. The annoying popup will nag you at login screen each time you boot up the computer.

wtf mypapit

To add to the shareware ‘look and feel’, a balloon popup will appear randomly when you use the computer, reminding the user that they may be a victim of (pirated) Microsoft Windows product.

However the windows tattoo is not without a flaw, few websites including The Inquirer has published ways to circumvent the Windows Genuine Advantage check by tampering with windows registry.

Presented here is an alternative way to remove those annoying popup

  1. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Windows Genuine Advantage\data
  2. go to Tools->Folder Option->View, select “Show Hidden Files and Folders”
  3. Uncheck “Hide Protected Operating System Files”, then click OK
  4. Delete everything in that folder
  5. Mark that folder as “Read-Only”, then you’re done!

The annoying windows popup won’t appear anymore! Simple solution without having to temper with Windows Registry.

Update – You can download WGAfakap

You can download an application that will automatically remove the annoying Windows Genuine Advantage Notification.

Read this for another solution :

GNU/DOS 2006 SR1 includes VIM 7.0

GNU/DOS 2006 SR1 has been released with Vim 7, the much talked new release of Vi IMproved. For your information, GNU/DOS is a distribution of FreeDOS operating system. The project aims to provide a complete DOS-like operating system bundled with GNU software and developers tools (DJGPP gcc), while retaining the classic DOS feel.

GNU/DOS is built on FreeDOS project which has the objective of providing a free DOS operating system that is compatible with MS-DOS 3.3. GNU/DOS works on old hardware and emulator and can run DOS games with ease.

In addition to DOS 3.3 compatibility, GNU/DOS (via FreeDOS) also supports LFN (Long File Name) and FAT32 partitions and Large Disk Support which normally unsupported under MS-DOS without 3rd party application.

Those who are interested in trying out GNU/DOS (with Vim 7 and gcc) can download it from its project page :

FOSS Desktop : Bridging KDE and GNOME

Using a free operating system like GNU/Linux or *BSD does has its own advantages. One thing that the user is free to choose which desktop environment to use instead of being locked up in a single windows manager like Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X.

There are many windows managers to choose from, but the most elaborate one is GNOME and KDE. Each have their own presentation style, look and feel , layout, menu and icons. Each have their own fans and are built by a different underlying set of libraries and development paradigm.

The problem with GNOME and KDE

This freedom to choose however came with a price to software developers as users prefer to use one window manager over another, and GNU/Linux distro seems to follow that pattern too. The main problem with this is, softwares written with GNOME library will have the look and feel (and sometimes behavior) of a GNOME window manager, and it would look weird on users on KDE, and vice versa.

Another problem that may arise is the library overhead. For example, a GNOME user may get annoyed if she has to install half a dozen of QT/KDE libraries just to run one of her favorite application that has not been ported to GNOME yet.

Enter Portland Project

The Open Source Developer Labs (OSDL) is previewing work that attempts to make life easier for software developers by bridging GNOME and KDE, the two competing graphical interfaces most widely used with GNU/Linux. They name it the Portland Project.

Portland intends to generate a common set of Linux Desktop Interfaces and Tools to allow all applications to easily integrate with the free desktop configuration an end user has chosen to work with. Developers now can rest easy when Portland stable ready, because they can be sure that their applications can run without modification regardless of the Window Manager.

At this time of writing, Portland technology previes is already available on the download section of Portland Wiki

win-get : Install applications in Windows with apt-get look-alike

Ever got used to package manager such as apt-get, yum, pkg_add or something like it? Wonder if Microsoft Windows has something similiar? Then wonder no more, introducing win-get, an apt-get package manager look-alike for Microsoft Windows.

Download the application from, and put wget.exe and win-get in c:\windows, or anywhere you prefer.

Using win-get is simple, you can query win-get database with a simple “search” directice. Let’s say you want to query about which browser available from win-get repository.

H:\>win-get search browser
Using Repository:

Name                         Version
----                         -------
avant                            10.1 Build 32
flash_player                 8,0,22,0
links                               0.98
mysql_querybrowser 1.1.17
netscape                        8.0
opera                             8.51
spybot                           1.4
zinf                                 2.2.1

and if you want to install Mozilla Firefox, you just need to execute :

H:\>win-get install firefox
Checking for mirrors...
No alternative mirrors found...

11% [===>                    ] 577,440   29.77K/s

Which after that will execute the installer and display the installation process in your computer screen.

You can also acquire information about a particular software package by using the “info” directive, like this

H:\>win-get info ad-aware

Application Name: ad-aware
Version: SE
Developer: Lavasoft
Type: freeware
Supports Silent: Yes

This is a spyware removal utility that scans your memory, 
registry and hard drives for known spyware components 
and lets you remove them.

You can browse for more applications currently in win-get repository at

Well, I guess that is all about it. Go and try it out guys

p/s: I haven’t been successful running “win-get uninstall” command, can anybody tells me if it works in their computer? Thanks.

btw, thanks to linuxlah for the CSS terminal hack.