Windows in Malaysian ATM Machines?

I saw this post when i was surfing kamal’s (k4ml) blog. He wrote that he saw a Public Bank ATM running Windows OS, probably with Microsoft Windows NT/9x.

In his words

I walked passing an ATM machine when I noticed something so familiar. I step back to the Public Bank?s ATM and to my suprise .. it was a Windows desktop. The typical win 9x desktop. I?m not sure but it might be Windows NT.

He also has a prove. Lets see :

Source : K4ml’s blog

Unix worm that exploits vulnerable PHP/CGI scripts

Please secure and patch your PHP scripts, especially the one that uses xml-rpc protocol. The Linux/Lupper.worm (a variant of BSD/Scalper) might infect your system.

This worm spreads by exploiting specific PHP/CGI script vulnerabilities that could be hosted on the following URLs:

# http://[website]/stats/
# http://[website]/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/xmlrpc/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/blog/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/drupal/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/community/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/blogs/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/blogs/xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/blog/xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/blogtest/xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/b2/xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/b2evo/xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/wordpress/xmlrpc.php
# http://[website]/phpgroupware/xmlrpc.php

Source : McAfee virus information library – Software repository for Solaris

I don’t know if any of you guys ever heard of, but it has the reputation of being the largest software repository for Solaris/Opensolaris operating system. Born out of a grassroots movement, blastwave repository started with an initial set about 50-100 packages. It is now has grown in popularity, complexity, offerings and expectation since its formation.

Sponsored by Sun Microsystem, Genesi and DTU, blastwave software repository now covers hundres of software packages for the Solaris and OpenSolaris operating system, making it the largest Free and Open Source software repository for Solaris.

So Solaris user, what are you waiting for? browse for

p/s: Blastwave software distribution is also available on dvd along with OpenSolaris code-base. You can order Blastwave DVD here if you are a Solaris fan.

BeleniX – Opensolaris based LiveCD

I spend the rest of my online time today to download BeleniX, an Opensolaris based LiveCD. I’ve never tried any of the opensolaris distribution before, though i heard about the initial work done for Debian/Solaris and SchiliX. But I’m so damn bored today, and I guess LiveCD would be suffice for me to try opensolaris.

According to BelleniX website,

BeleniX is a *NIX distribution that is built using the OpenSolaris source base. It is currently a LiveCD distribution but is intended to grow into a complete distro that can be installed to hard disk.

I also found a nice review about BelleniX here :

Here’s some BelleniX screenshots I got from

Sources :

  1. Opensolaris website
  2. BelleniX website

BitlBee – turn your IRC client into multiprotocol Instant Messenger client

biltbee logo at

Check out BitlBee, IRC gateway that can turn your irc client into a multi-protocol Instant Messenger client!

The main motivation behind BiltBee is to enable console users to use a multi-protocol Instant Messenger client. Since irc clients is common in console environments, so BiltBee is implemented as a gateway server, so that a user can connect to their favorite IM networks as if connecting through an irc server.

BiltBee server is available under GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows platform. It supports MSN, ICQ, Jabber, AIM, and Yahoo! IM networks.

You can connect to public Bitbee server through CGI interface at if you don’t want to install BitlBee in your computer.

BitlBee Screenshot :

Oh, BitlBee is licensed in GNU General Public License.

  1. BitlBee website
  2. BitlBee public server