win-get : Install applications in Windows with apt-get look-alike

Ever got used to package manager such as apt-get, yum, pkg_add or something like it? Wonder if Microsoft Windows has something similiar? Then wonder no more, introducing win-get, an apt-get package manager look-alike for Microsoft Windows.

Download the application from, and put wget.exe and win-get in c:\windows, or anywhere you prefer.

Using win-get is simple, you can query win-get database with a simple “search” directice. Let’s say you want to query about which browser available from win-get repository.

H:\>win-get search browser
Using Repository:

Name                         Version
----                         -------
avant                            10.1 Build 32
flash_player                 8,0,22,0
links                               0.98
mysql_querybrowser 1.1.17
netscape                        8.0
opera                             8.51
spybot                           1.4
zinf                                 2.2.1

and if you want to install Mozilla Firefox, you just need to execute :

H:\>win-get install firefox
Checking for mirrors...
No alternative mirrors found...

11% [===>                    ] 577,440   29.77K/s

Which after that will execute the installer and display the installation process in your computer screen.

You can also acquire information about a particular software package by using the “info” directive, like this

H:\>win-get info ad-aware

Application Name: ad-aware
Version: SE
Developer: Lavasoft
Type: freeware
Supports Silent: Yes

This is a spyware removal utility that scans your memory, 
registry and hard drives for known spyware components 
and lets you remove them.

You can browse for more applications currently in win-get repository at

Well, I guess that is all about it. Go and try it out guys

p/s: I haven’t been successful running “win-get uninstall” command, can anybody tells me if it works in their computer? Thanks.

btw, thanks to linuxlah for the CSS terminal hack.

5 Replies to “win-get : Install applications in Windows with apt-get look-alike”

  1. That stuff is crap! The most essential feature is missing. There is no

    win-get upgrade

    I suggest ignoring this software until it resembles basic functionality of packaging tools.

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