I’ve been busy for the past week, but during my absent, I’ve the opportunity to test SQLyog, a powerful MySQL manangement tool from Webyog.
The application has the same functionalities as the popular web based phpMyAdmin, plus some other neat feature that usually found in enterprise level tool.
The application lets you organise the database, create indexes, views, manage stored procedures and database triggers. SQLyog also can help you to manage backup and make copies of your database across different host.
SQLyog itself is suprisingly responsive compared to similar product produced by well-known database vendor. Being developed using C++ language and using MySQL C API, the client has direct access to MySQL, which makes it run faster.
Another worth noting feature is the Migration toolkit which allows you to migrate existing database from other DBMS (i.e DB2, Oracle, MS-SQL) via ODBC interface.
SQLyog can be downloaded from its website : http://webyog.com/en/downloads.php
The source code can be obtained from Google Code project repository, via Subversion.
p/s : It would be nice to have this kinda of application on GNU/Linux platform, maybe some people would complain that it isn’t 1337, but I think people working with GNU/Linux? deserve conveniences.