How to test if PageSpeed module is running (on NGINX)

You can run a simple test using curl to verify whether the PageSpeed module is running or not on NGINX.

curl -I -X GET {ip addresss | web address}
curl -I -X GET

The output would come out something like this…

You will see “X-Page-Speed” header with its version (in my case its ““)

If it DOESN’T work

There’s two possibilities:

It doesn’t work! First possibility…
There’s possibilities that you NGINX isn’t configured for PageSpeed, in that case, run:

nginx -V

You should should see a list of nginx compiled modules, if PageSpeed support compiled in, ngx_pagespeed-release-{version} should be listed.

Sample output:

If this is the case, then you SHOULD compile nginx PageSpeed module.

It doesn’t work! Second possibility…
Your did not configure PageSpeed module. To configure pagespeed, just create “/etc/nginx/conf.d/pagespeed.conf” file, and fill it with PageSpeed basic config.

#file /etc/nginx/conf.d/pagespeed.conf
        pagespeed on;
        pagespeed FetchWithGzip on;

        pagespeed FileCachePath /run/shm/pagespeed_cache;
        pagespeed RewriteLevel CoreFilters;

Save the file and restart nginx http server.