Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (Etch) was officially released

The much anticipated Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (Etch) was finally released on 8th April 2007.

The release was unofficially available since November last year but some technicalities prevented the project from making an official release announcement until all architectures it supported is of release quality.

Among softwares included in Debian Etch are :

  • GNOME 2.14
  • 2.0.4
  • GIMP 2.2.13
  • Iceweasel (Mozilla Firefox
  • Icedove (Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5)
  • PostgreSQL 8.1.8
  • MySQL 5.0.32
  • GCC 4.1.1
  • Linux kernel 2.6.18
  • Apache 2.2.3
  • Samba 3.0.24
  • Python 2.4.4 and 2.5

Debian is one of the oldest GNU/Linux distribution project which is still active until today. Many of the newer Linux distribution (eg Ubuntu, mepis,knoppix) based their project on Debian codebase.

Debian has the largest collection of softwares and the widest machine architecture support compared to other distro.

Please visit the official Debian GNU/Linux project website to get more information about it.

[tags]debian,linux,distro,opensource, open source[/tags]

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