Generate Ubuntu apt-get Source.lst automatically

Sources.lst is a file located in /etc/apt/ directory. It is used in Debian-based (which includes Ubuntu) Linux operating system as a configuration file for software management.

Sometimes it is necessary to alter your sources.lst to include the nearest apt-get mirrors from your location, this is to ensure faster downloads during software upgrades and installations.

Fortunately, the good people from Ubuntu-NL has made this task easier by creating an online tool (source-o-matic) which helps you generate sources.lst file based on the list of available mirrors

source-o-matic supports Ubuntu releases on all architectures from 4.10(Warty) to 7.04 (Feisty). It is an easy tool to use, you only need to choose which country you’re in, put on your Ubuntu release and architecture, tick few radio boxes and your sources.lst file will be generated automatically.

also includes a list of unofficial apt-get mirrors for installing softwares that isnt included in the normal Ubuntu distributions.

[tags]ubuntu, linux, sources.lst,apt-get[/tags]

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