I got myself an affordable Linux VPS account with RapidVPS

After doing some surveying and looking around the internet for a decent Linux VPS service provider, I finally settled with RapidVPS.com.

What is VPS ?
Virtual Private Server (VPS) is similar to Dedicated Server, except it runs on the same machine as other Virtual Private Server, this made possible by virtualization technology. Because it is similar to Dedicated Server in its own respect, you’ve full authority on VPS as to install any operating system that you like, root access and your own IP address. Having root access means that you’re free to install any software and administer your server as you see fit.

Why do I need VPS?
I need VPS because I want to have a cost-effective server that can run 24/7 for my software and web services since shared hosting solutions have very limited option for customization and expandibility.

I could use my personal computer for the same purpose, but given various factor (electricity bills, reliability, 24/7 uptime, hardware support, unreliable Streamyx ISP), I would rather use RapidVPS as it is the most cost-effective solution.

Why Do I choose RapidVPS?

  • Affordable price, no setup fees
  • Easy to upgrade
  • Service uptime and reliability
  • Excellent customer support
  • Offers various popular Linux operating system including latest release of Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Fedora Core, Gentoo

However those who want to host IRC-related software (servers, eggdrop, bnc,psybnc, etc) might be dissapointed because RapidVPS has a strict no-IRC policy on its server.

Other than that, I would recommend RapidVPS anytime if you’re seeking to get a decent VPS solution.

[tags]vps, linux, server,dedicated service, rapidvps,ubuntu,debian[/tags]

2 Replies to “I got myself an affordable Linux VPS account with RapidVPS”

  1. interesting, since I’m also looking for vps hosting recently. my major concern over my webhost lately was the latency (it’s in US) and I have yet to find any local vps hosting (that use local datacenter or at least in singapore) at an affordable price.

    my pickup for the last time was unixshell but now they’re not accepting orders anymore and would point you to tektonic.net.

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