Opera now includes built-in BitTorrent

Opera software makes an inovative move to include BitTorrent client inside their browser. The integration of this technology will allow end users to download files faster by taking full advantage of available bandwidth and reducing the chance of delays when multiple users go after the same file.

Although BitTorrent users is notoriously known to conduct illegal software exchanging, Opera Software is positive towards its implementation in their browser.

Opera rationalize their move by comparing BitTorrent use for piracy with the use of HTTP or FTP protocol to conduct illegal downloads by stating :

“Opera does not encourage the use of BitTorrent, FTP and HTTP protocols for downloading illegal, copyright infringing material.”

The original announcement from Opera software can be found here
Download Opera 8.02 Preview here

Shattered CD

One day, in my (a bit) messy and poorly lit room…

“I thought the last time you said, it’s hard to post a cd out from your place”

“Relax, this time is different, I’ll use SpeedPost. The sample CD and the instructions will arrive in your doorsteps before you know it. Besides, I need you to have the CD”

“Uh, ok…”

“Great, it’s settled then. Contact me back when your received the sample CD, bye. *click*”

And so, I waited. I was skeptical of my colleague from singapore is going the sample cd all the way from Singapore. Well, since singaporean customs dept are so fuss when you bring in/out any type of cd along their border.

Just after, I finished my skeptism thinking, the postman arrives at my house. I went out to get the package, and after that I signed my name and other legal stuff.

I hold the package and I felt like everything is intact inside it. Hey, maybe my colleague was right, SpeedPost is indeed different and their service is very fast!

Unfortunately after i opened the package, pieces of plastic and shiny coverpaint dropped out into my carpet. The CD was shattered….

mypapit shattered cd

I guess there goes my colleague’s sample cd. SpeedPost service is undoubtfully fast, but it seems that the CD’s structural integrity wasn’t able to compensate the rigorous travel of high warp they offered.


Viruses from Blogs

As if getting computer viruses in your email wasn?t bad enough, now you can also get a computer virus when you visit a blog.

Hackers are setting up fake blogs which, when visited, infect machines with keylogging software or viruses. Filtering firm Websense says that these hackers then send out email or instant messages that link to the
blog, hoping to lure the unsuspecting.

The worst part? These hazardous programs can get past traditional security measures because of the nature of the attack.

p/s: Wonders what would these crackers do when they get their hands on the upcoming “Longhorn” built-in RSS Reader API? A lot of blogs use RSS you know, hmmm….

My Network card broke down!

My RTL-8139 based NIC card broke down today ! It broke down, just after one day I finished screenshoting my Fedora Core 4 Desktop for Internet Connection Sharing Guide.

The interesting part is, the RTL-8139 managed to bring down my Fedora Core 4 while spiralling down to it’s demise. I get a screenful of unexplained error message during the boot-up process, not knowing what when wrong at first time.


Luckily i know a trick or two, i boot up my trusty home-brew KrazhBoX just to found out that an error has occured while the Linux kernel was initializing a PCI card. Which later turns out to be RTL-8139 Ethernet Card. I found this out by doing “cat /proc/pci” in my KrazhBoX.

So to counter the problem, I had to replace my Network card with a new one and reconfigure the Fedora Core 4 distro.

Reminds me to speed up my update on my home-brew KrazhBoX rescue Linux project to use 2.6.12 kernel.

RTL-8139 is the common chip used in PCI LAN card in Malaysia. If you bought a generic PCI Ethernet card, it’s most probably ship with RTL-8139 chip.

Mypapit Blog Alternative URL

Dear blog readers,

For ease of surfing, you can reach this blog by using either of these URL

  1. http://blog.mypapit.net/
  2. http://ppsplit.sf.net/mypapit/

I’ve taken steps not to cloak the url to make it search engine friendly.
Hope that my blog url are easily remembered for all of you outside there!

Tips: Use RSS feeds when you can, it can save you a lot of time! Mozilla Firefox have Live Bookmark feature that enable you to check my blog’s headline quickly.

Series 60 Nokia will have enhanced Java support

According to the news I read from http://geekzone.co.nz, Nokia have made an annoucement that it’s Java-enabled Series 60 phone will include CDC (Connected Device Configuration) for the Java platform. This is a significant leap for the phone industry, because all of mobile available to the market today only supported CLDC.

According to the website, the introduction of enhanced configuration (CDC) in smartphones will drive opportunities for significant improvements in remote management of mobile devices and creating new business opportunities for Java platform software developers in the mobile middleware market.

New developer tools corresponding to the next generation Java platform for Series 60 will be made available in 2nd half 2005 by Nokia’s global developer support program, Forum Nokia.

w000h000, new SDK and smartphone for me to hack

p/s : Actually, i’ve been waiting for quite some time to get my hand into one of CDC enable-device. This is the time i’m waitin’ for…