I wrote this while on drugs (sleeping pills)

When you release something freely over the internet, particularly Free Software (or Open Source if you will), you usually do it in hopes that it would benefit other people who use it. I just found out that something I gave away in that same spirit was used in promoting negative sentiments and racism, something of which I did not forsee or expect.

I was in shocked for a while, but a quick chat with my online buddy makes me realised that this is not the first time that these things happens.

“as Charlie said from Numb3rs, we make tools and hope people use them responsibly, but sometimes they don’t”

“but if we stopped doing it just because of that, we’d also be losing all the good that can be done”

You can’t blame Einstein for Hiroshima, there’s so much good to be done and I won’t let anything stop me from doing things that I love to do.

personal, lifelog, free+software,opensource,open+source

How to use apt-get behind proxy server (Ubuntu/Debian)

mypapit debianIf you are a Debian-based GNU/Linux user, then you’re probably familiar with synaptic and apt-get to install application from software repositories. This post focussed on how to use apt-get/synaptic behind proxy server/firewall which under normal circumstances, you’re unable to use apt-get.

If you’re using Synaptic

Open up your Synaptic package manager (usually as root), go to Settings-> Preference -> Network. Enter your proxy server details like : username:password@proxyserver.net, and put the proxy server port (usually 8080).

If you’re using command-line apt-get

Edit your /etc/bash.bashrc file as root.

Put these line at the end of your /etc/bash.bashrc file :

export http_proxy=http://username:password@proxyserver.net:port/
export ftp_proxy=http://username:password@proxyserver.netport/

You can omit the username:password, if your proxy server has no password. That’s all for today! Happy apt-get-ing!

debian,ubuntu,knoppix, mepis, apt-get

Overworked and Unfortunate Incident

I felt feverish and a bit dizzy yesterday so I went up to a clinic, the doctor diagnosed me as a bit stressed and overworked. Yup, I was pretty swamped up all right, and he told me to get a lot of rest plus gave me some medications to help me sleep.

In addition, my hard disk got corrupted, and I lost most of my last month work. Fortunately, I’ve backup for all previous months, plus I’ve put my free software (open source) works on remote web/cvs server. So all I need is time to restore all those stuff back, and get things into motion.

But for the mean time, I need to relax, lie in the bed, and rest….

personal, blog, lifelog

Get Mandriva Linux Inside Community Magazine !

Mandriva Linux Community has released e-magazine dedicated to Mandriva Linux latest developments news (formerly known as Mandrake Linux). The publication of the magazine marks the resurrection of the Cooker Weekly News, which was discontinued a little while ago. The community driven effort hasn’t decided on scheduled release yet, as the editor wrote “If the project succeeds and catches attention, a new issue will be released as soon as we feel that there is enough content for it”. He also states that motivations should be the prior motor for new issues, instead of deadlines.

Stuffs included in Mandriva Inside first edition includes :

  1. Inverview with Darth Barth
  2. News From the Front
  3. Community, what’s that?
  4. Focus on Pinit
  5. Cooker Mailing List Digest

For the uninitiated, Cooker is the codename for unstable/experimental branch of Mandriva Linux that is currently in development. You can download Mandriva Inside from : http://www1.mandrivalinux.com/e-mag/e-mag-1-20060602.pdf

linux, mandriva, mandrake, magazine, e-magazine,cooker

Get updated Debian applications with Backports

debian logo mypapitI guess everybody know about Debian GNU/Linux distribution. It is nice and simple to setup, not too newbie-ish, not to complex, just in the right balance. Debian also has an awesome package management system called ‘apt-get’ which manage your application/softwares inside your computer, apply updates, and deal with security patches. Debian has comprehensive repositories, spanning over 18 CDs for the i386 platform, making it one of the largest software repository among other GNU/Linux distros. Debian also support a total of 11 processor architectures, topping up other distribution which usually supports between 1-4 archicture (the usual architectures are : i386, amd-64, ppc,sparc).

Updated Softwares?

However, due to the complexities of supporting every platform, Debian rarely release software upadates to its users. This has cause problem to users who needs access to updated software or the much needed security patches. The usual applications request among others includes Openoffice, mozilla firefox, gaim, window managers (KDE,GNOME) and kernel updates.

Solutions to this problem?

While some people can live without software updates, there are people who needs updated software in order to keep up with the latest improvements and technology. Usually there a couple of choices for these group of people.

First, use the -sid (unstable/experimental branch) repository. You just need to edit your “/etc/apt/sources.list” file and uncomment sid-related repositories. Then you will need to run “apt-get dist-upgrade” to upgrade your distribution to -sid, the experimental Debian release.

The Backports.org solution

If you need to update only a handful packages critical only to your day-to-day work (and prefer to use a stable Debian release), then you can use Backports. In a nutshell, Backports are recompiled packages from testing (mostly) and unstable (in a few cases only, e.g. security updates), so they will run without new libraries (wherever it is possible) on a stable Debian distribution.

The website has an easy to follow instructions to use Backports apt-get repository to get updated software. The Backports is flexible enough that you can customize which software you want to be updated and the ones you wish to leave behind.

Final piece of advice

A piece of advise : while Backports provides an easy way to stay updated with your applications, it is advisable that you pick out single backports which fits your needs, and not to use all backports available there.

debian,backports, ubuntu, repository, repositories, sarge, sid

Promote your blog through Blogtal.com (Blog Portal)

Hey, I just found out about this new cool website http://www.blogtal.com/, that can help expose your blog to greater viewers. Bloggers can promote their blog by adding their latest post to Blogtal’s listing through a form. Once filled, your post will be visible on the frontpage of Blogtal, and will be kept inside their database for at least 30 days.

Users of WordPress and MovableType can use the trackback feature to auto-submit their latest post to Blogtal. WordPress users can use Ah Knight’s Default Trackback plugin or Autotrackback plugin.

You can subscribe to the latest post from Blogtal (mostly malaysian blog) via its RSS feeds.

blogtal, blog, blogs, weblog, wordpress, aggregator, blogging