tremulous – addictive open source FPS game

These past few days I’ve been hooked up playing Tremulous, an open source First Person Shooter (FPS) game. The objective of the game is to protect your team’s base and eliminate the enemy base. You can choose one of the two sides, either as member of human team or as an alien species.


Each side has it own unique abilities; the humans have long-range weaponry and the aliens have powerful melee attack and high body hitpoints The game uses GNU/GPL Quake III engine and only requires modest 3D hardware acceleration.

Tremulous is indeed a fun and addictive game, those who want play tremulous with me can look me up in Tremulous Basic Server #1 through #3 (low pings for me).

Download tremulous at : available for Windows and GNU/Linux operating system

[tags]games,quake,tremulous,quake 3, open source,FPS,linux,windows[/tags]

Putting up Ubuntu favicon.ico

After being annoyed looking at all those 404 messages when IE tries to access this website /favicon.ico, i finally decided to put one up.

For those who don’t know, favicon.ico is that small (typically 16×16) icon that appeared beside the address bar. Since my blog is mostly centered around Ubuntu, I’ve chosen to put up an Ubuntu logo.

How to put up favicon.ico

Find a nice icon in png or ico format , make sure it look nice at 16×16, upload it on your website.

Put this line on your header (between <head> tags)

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" />

If you’re using a png image, replace type with “image/png”. I haven’t personally test this with Internet Explorer much, but I doubt Internet Explorer doesnt support other icon format than .ico.

If that’s the case, you might benefit from png2ico

You can download the ubuntu favicon.ico here.

Find more information about favicon


Download NetBSD Live! 2007 LiveCD

netbsd live mypapit

NetBSD Project has released NetBSD Live! 2007 based on NetBSD 4 Beta. The LiveCD comes with an array of softwares that include KDE 3.4.5 (includes KOffice), Mozilla Firefox (renamed Deer Park for copyright reasons), GIMP 2.2, vim 6.2.14, gcc 4.1.2 and various utilities for accesing foreign filesystems.

Instead of using the normal bsd bootloader, NetBSD Live! uses GNU GRUB that has been adapted for use with the livecd. NetBSD Live! offers 3 kernel; generic kernel, ACPI-enabled kernel and a Laptop-optimized kernel. These kernels are available for boot at the GRUB bootloader screen

Sadly, i’m unable to use the LiveCD on the laptop that i tried (Compaq Presario v2613), because the LiveCD can’t detect the laptop’s keyboard input. However I manage to get it work on my desktop, which works almost flawlessly.

I think it’s about time NetBSD has its own LiveCD. I always think LiveCD as a preview CD. which simplifies the task of demonstrating operating system and as a multipurpose rescue cd.

The NetBSD Live! 2007 iso is available from NetBSD mirrors or via Bittorrent


Cool WordPress stats plugin with Google Map support

Sorry for the sparse post last week, this is because I’ve been busy with other chores and personal things that i’ve to take care of.

But look, I’m back! And I’ve modded my blog with this cool wordpress plugin. This plugin is basically does what a normal statistic plugin should do; display your last visitors, your most read post, top referrers and their ip address, etc. What makes this statistic plugin stand off is it visualise the location of your visitor by using Google Maps api.

That’s right, you can visually see your latest visitor on the Google map and measure how your website is internationally recognisable over the globe. You can see the plugin in action by clicking “website statistic” link at my sidebar.

The plugin can be downloaded from its project website and it requires MaxMind GeoCityLite.dat file (about 25MB) uploaded to your server.

It’s one of the best wordpress plugin i have for now (the other is Related Post plugin). Thanks aizatto for introducing GeoTrack plugin to me !

[tags]google, google map, google maps, plugins, wordpress, statistics, stats,counter[/tags]

Start64 – Start using 64 bit (Linux) Operating System Now

start64 is a website that advocate the use of 64bit application software in our daily computing lives. Now why do we need to run 64-bit application? Because it run natively on 64bit machine like AMD Opteron/Turion or Intel Core Duo for that matter.

The website also feature a beginners guide to 64bit computing, starting with 4bit processor that could only process data 4 bit a time, and gradually introduce us the bottleneck of 32bit computing that we are so use to have (mostly from Windows/x86 users).

Software Guide

Aside from providing informational article about 64bit machine. Start64 also functions as a place where 64bit application are showcased, complete with reviews and recommendations.

64 bit GNU Linux Distro

The website have Linux section which specificly list binary only driver update for 64 bit Linux,which mostly focusses on Nvidia and ATI Graphic cards driver.

There’s also one post that deals specificly with Mozilla plugins wrapper which makes 32bit browser plugins works under 64 bit Linux environment.


All in all, you can see Start64 as your source to help you ease up your transition from the 32 bit computing to 64 bit working environment.

[tags]linux,debian,ubuntu,64 bit, intel, core duo, amd, opteron, turion[/tags]