ubuntu-ms: Let’s Translate Ubuntu into Malay language !

I’m writing about this topic because I see there’s still much to be done to localize Ubuntu (or GNU/Linux based operating system in general) into Malay, the official language of my home county, Malaysia.

As of this writing, the translated Malay strings in Ubuntu (Intrepid Ibex) is about 19%, and thus we need more aspiring users who are bilingual to help us translate Ubuntu (or Linux-base operating system in general). So in the near future, we can have Linux distro in our own national language.

How can I help to localized Ubuntu?

  • Easy! you can start by registering an account with Launchpad.net
  • While still logged into Launchpad.net. join the Ubuntu-Translators group
  • Go to Launchpad Translations website, select the latest Ubuntu distributions.
  • Select Malay language, and then pick any project that you wish translate into Malay (ms).
  • Tips: To ensure faster translation, set the filter in “Translating” option to “untranslated items” as shown in the photo below.

What I can get by translating Ubuntu?

  • Sense of satisfaction that you’ve done your part in localizing a Linux distro in your country’s official language.
  • You can get your name on the list of credits on the application you’ve translated.
  • You can earn Karma! Karma is a point system given to active Ubuntu contributors.

    User with a lot of karma can get lots of Ubuntu freebies sent to their doorsteps! Plus you can request to be inducted as one of the Official Ubuntu Members just like our friends, Nicholas Ng and fenris-

  • What are you waiting for? Come and translate Ubuntu!

    Ubuntu Feisty Fawn is approaching end of life support

    Important announcement!

    Those who are still using Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) are advised to upgrade their distribution to later releases as it approaches end-of-life support, this October.

    What is end-of-life ?
    End of life means that the time where a product is no longer supported by its vendor. In case of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), it will no longer receive security updates and patches. Normally this would not cause problem to desktop computer, but if you are advised to patch your system as regularly as you can if you are connected to the internet to prevent malicious user from accessing your pc.

    Curious about how long other Ubuntu releases are being supported? you can refer here : Ubuntu Releases and end of life date

    The Latest buzz: Google Chrome

    Looks like I’m the last person to write about Chrome, the latest browser from Google. This is because I do not own a Microsoft Windows machine to test Chrome early on.

    I’m sure you can find a lot of great reviews floating around the internet about the latest lightweight browser, so I will not waste your time by rehashing those information here.

    Google Chrome
    Chrome Application Shortcut

    What actually caught my attention is the “Create Application Shortcut” found in Chrome, a functionality similar to Mozilla Prism which I’ve reviewed a while back in my blog. This would enable users to create Desktop shortcuts of their favorite Web Application without relying to external application like Prism anymore, everything can be done neatly within a single interface.

    With Chrome, Javascript execution (read: ajax’ed website) felt a lot more faster while using much less memory, it looks like this new browser is going to give Mozilla a run for its money.

    p/s: Eagerly waiting for Chrome to be available on GNU/Linux platforms.

    Read Googlebooks Chrome Comic for more insight about Google Chrome

    Catch me on twitter

    I finally decided to get on twitter since I’ve been rarely had the time to update my blog anymore. So for those who are interested to follow my daily updates can do so by following my twits (username: mypapit).

    For the curious minds, my favorite twitter client are twim (Apache License 2.0) and twobile

    Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04.1 LTS Bugfix release

    The Ubuntu project has released Hardy Heron 8.04.1, as the release number implies, it is a bugfix release which contains all the security updates and bug fixes for the last 2 months since the first release of 8.04. The release can be downloaded from Ubunty Hardy download page in the form of ISO files.

    Current users need not to download the new CD as they are most likely have all the security patches applied via the built-in Automatic Update feature in Ubuntu.

    As a bonus, the CD also includes the production release of Mozilla Firefox 3.0 compared to 3.0 Beta in 8.04.