Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn was finally released !

The moment that we have been waiting for is here. Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn was finally released today (19 April 2007), despite rumors saying that the release might has to be delayed for a few days.

It seems everybody want a piece of Feisty Fawn right now, the mirrors are dead slow, one can only guess how many terabytes are being transfered this night alone. I would suggest to use the p2p bittorrent solution to download the iso file.

But the speed doesn’t bother me that much compared to the Ubuntu official website which seems ‘weird’ to me after the release.

Take a look at the ‘before’ and ‘after’ screenshot I took :

Before (on 18 April 2007)


After (on 19 April 2007)

Seems like somebody is in a hurry to update Ubuntu.com website or was it a work by a professional cracker?

Anyway, enjoy your Feisty Fawn download :)

Updates : As of 0200 UTC (20 April 2007), the Ubuntu website is back to using the default layout again :)

[tags] ubuntu,linux,feisty,feisty fawn,open source, distro[/tags]

4 Replies to “Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn was finally released !”

  1. Im only guessing that maybe they ‘dulled’ down the website to allow for more traffic temporarily.

  2. aku nyer ubuntu guner vmware jer.. tapi sebab skrg ni dah jarang pakai.. tak tak tau letak kat maner kat dalam hard disk itu … hehehe

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