Local Malaysian – Ubuntu Package Repository Mirror

kaeru has published the URL of Malaysian Ubuntu Package mirror for faster Ubuntu installation for local users.

To use it, configure your synaptic (or edit /etc/apt/sources.list) to include this line :

deb http://mirror.inigo-tech.com/ubuntu/ feisty feisty-backports universe multiverse

The repository also includes updates for previous release of Ubuntu including Edgy Eft (6.10), Dapper Drake (6.06), and the upcoming Ubuntu release Gutsy Gibbon (7.10). Try it out!

[tags]ubuntu,repository,apt-get,synaptic,feisty,feisty fawn,malaysia[/tags]

10 Replies to “Local Malaysian – Ubuntu Package Repository Mirror”

  1. this one, MMU, gb.archive.ubuntu.com, all seem dead or dying at the time. Is it “welcome to Malaysia!”?

  2. if i recall, multimedia university has their own full archive ubuntu server, but i don’t know either they open it to internet or not. may you try to find out?

  3. i`ve been waiting loooong time for someone to bring local mirror of ubuntu .thanks a zillllllllion kaeru. thanks mypapit for breaking the news :)

  4. The mirror updates every 12hrs at 7:30am and 7:30pm. So a few hours after each sync time would be best to get your upgrades.

  5. Good news for Malaysian Ubuntu users!

    Initial checks show that they’re hosted on a MIMOS/Jaring datacenter.

    I’ll test them out for my next Ubuntu update.

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