How to Rip MP3 using Sound Juicer (Ubuntu Tips)

Ubuntu comes with a default CD ripping utility called Sound Juicer that lets you convert Audio CD tracks into digital music format. However Sound Juicer only able to rip Audio CDs into OGG format by default. Most people that familiar with MP3 format might find this as a drawback because MP3 ripping option is not available because of its patented status.

However in the spirit of ‘freedom’ in the free and open source, I’d like to show you how to enable MP3 ripping capability in Sound Juicer

Enable MP3 CD Ripping
This guide assume that you’re using the latest release of Ubuntu (Feisty Fawn).

  • Firstly you need to install and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse
  • Then start Sound Juicer application, and select Edit->Preference
  • You should be able to see that MP3 option has been enabled in Sound Juicer

The default bitrate setting for MP3 is 160Kbps, you can change MP3 encoding parameters by clicking “Edit Profiles” option in the application, and that’s it! You are ready to rip CDs to MP3 format!

[tags]mp3,ubuntu,feisty,feisty fawn,ripping,gstreamer,debian,encoder,cd ripper[/tags]

13 Replies to “How to Rip MP3 using Sound Juicer (Ubuntu Tips)”

  1. Thanks for the post. Been struggling all night to get a cd to rip in mp3 format. Once I’d installed gstreamer it worked a charm

    Many thanks again


  2. read the how tos install apt-get gstreamer0.10 reports all done

    no probs there it has mp3 in list
    but still rip song 1 start song2
    error unable to start ripping pipeline

    using ubuntu 7.04 and all is up to date
    plays the cd OK but cant ripit

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