Sun has Open Source Java under GNU/GPL

After a long wait, Sun has finally released its key Java implementations – Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE – OpenJDK), Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME – phoneME) and Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE – Glassfish) under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.

Maybe this news is insignificant for some, but finally i can run a completely free (as in free speech) Java platform in my operating system. I use a lot of Java in my hobby of developing mobile phone apps, and yes, I’d like to see the open sourced phoneME feature MR1 (JavaME implementation) running on my Ubuntu.

Hopefully by the end of next year, I’ll be able to install Sun OpenJDK on my GNU/Linux workstation from my distro’s software repositories.

p/s: Additionally, James Gosling – Father of Java has announced in his blog that they have made Duke the Java mascot images free under the revised BSD License. You can get Duke’s images at

[tags]java,open source, openjdk, javame, j2me,gnu/gpl[/tags]

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