Here’s the screenshot of a GNU/Linux distro derived from Ubuntu. gNewsense is a project started by two guys from Ireland with an aim to provide users with 100% Free Software operating system. You can find out more about it at gNewSense Official Website
You can see that the gNewsense theme and? repo is similar as the normal Ubuntu except for minor changes which the Universe repositories are enabled by default and Ubuntu logo are changed to gNewsense’s to reflect the new distribution (and copyright issue).
Here’s the complete screenshot walkthrough of gNewSense 1.0
[tags]gnewsense,ubuntu,dapper drake,dapper,free software,gnu,livecd[/tags]
Mypapit, would appreciate if you could post your review between Ubuntu and the gNewsense here…FYI, I’m totally new to Linux and plan to start with Ubuntu since it is quite familiar with WinXP environment. Thanks