Turn your Ubuntu Dapper into Mac OS X

You might not want to buy those pricey MacBook Pro and use non-free operating system, but that can’t stop you to have a Mac OS X look for your Ubuntu.

Lauri Taimila has written a step-by-step tutorial to turn your Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) into Mac OS X look-alike in no time!**

Just take a look at this screenshot before and after :

Visit his website for a simple howto to turn your Ubuntu Dapper into OS X


8 Replies to “Turn your Ubuntu Dapper into Mac OS X”

  1. It’s not a technical limitation. I was so used to have them on right side so I didn’t want to move them to left. It could be done pretty easily I think.

  2. It’s weird how the minimize, close, etc. buttons are on the wrong side of the window. Maybe it’s an attempt to avoid getting sued by Apple?

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