You might not want to buy those pricey MacBook Pro and use non-free operating system, but that can’t stop you to have a Mac OS X look for your Ubuntu.
Lauri Taimila has written a step-by-step tutorial to turn your Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) into Mac OS X look-alike in no time!**
Just take a look at this screenshot before and after :
Visit his website for a simple howto to turn your Ubuntu Dapper into OS X
nu link
links are busted
It’s not a technical limitation. I was so used to have them on right side so I didn’t want to move them to left. It could be done pretty easily I think.
I guess it’s a technical limitation…
It’s weird how the minimize, close, etc. buttons are on the wrong side of the window. Maybe it’s an attempt to avoid getting sued by Apple?
Is there any software that you know that can turn Windows theme into Ubuntu?
looks great!