Some of my searches interrupted by Google Server Error on April 17

Well, ain’t this just cute. My searches was interrupted by Google Server error 502 around 6:15pm MYT (that’s 10:15pm GMT). No real damage was done, I just have to switch my search engine to Yahoo for my research.

p/s : Compared to dns failure last year that leads unsuspecting people worldwide to a domain parking service, this incident was minor to me, it is just the case of switching engine.

Open Source : Do you still use Microsoft Windows? Then read on

open source application mypapit

With the rapid growth of GNU/Linux and as a production operating system, open source and free software has become more common now. More people has adopted GNU/Linux or one of the *BSD variant as their choice of operating system.But don’t feel bad if you are one of the people who are still using Microsoft Windows, because you can still join the open source club.

Introducing Open Source Windows, a website which list the best free and open source software for Windows. The folks behind OpenSourceWindows has made their objective to showcase the best, most important, and easiest to use free and open source software for average people to download.

If you are not using Windows, can’t use GNU/Linux for some reason and prefer Mac OS, then fear not, there’s also Open Source Mac page, brought to you by the same folks for your convenient.

Now there’s no more reason not to use FOSS anymore, everything’s easy!

What a boring weekend, and my blog has moved to Interunix

Yeah, It’s a boring weekend for me with nothing much to do. My hens are laying eggs like crazy, like 6-10 eggs per-day (I’ve 10 hens). It becomes my chore to pick their eggs up as I do not wish to breed more chickens as I already have 12 adult chickens plus 16 chicks more in the hen house.

There’s always heavy rain complete with thunder & lightning during the late afternoon in Alor Star, preventing me to go out for a fresh air or to get online, this because my house/pc aren’t shielded by surge protectors. I hate to think what would the lightning do to my pc when it strikes home, so I better sacrifies recreational time rather than taking chances

By the way my website has moved to another provider again, this time with Interunix. Now I’ve more space, more bandwidth and less users, eliminating the bottleneck of limited bandwidth. I hope that you can access my website without any interruptions from now on. Interunix service and customer support is excellent, I do get important announcements via sms-es from them time-to-time.

p/s : I might come up with a spin-off blog, since I’ve spend a lot of time on developing applications for mobile phone/handheld device. The spin-off might feature stuffs/mistakes/pitfalls that I’ve made during my time spent on programming those devices.

Working for Yourself Makes You Happier

I totally agree with this post, working solely for yourself does makes you more creative and happier :). Trust me, I work for myself and all I can say is, nothing can compare with the flexibility and the level of enjoyment against working for some big corporate entity (unless it’s yours).


But I don’t claim that it will work for you too, some people do enjoy working in cubicles or in factories instead of their own garage or bedroom.

Mypapit GNU/Linux blog is one year old!

blog birthday
Yes, you read it right. My blog is one year old, the first entry on this blog was recorded at April 13, 2005. Truthfully, I never thought it last one year during the first week I wrote that very first entry.

Let’s see if this blog can hold on for another year :D