Windows in Malaysian ATM Machines?

I saw this post when i was surfing kamal’s (k4ml) blog. He wrote that he saw a Public Bank ATM running Windows OS, probably with Microsoft Windows NT/9x.

In his words

I walked passing an ATM machine when I noticed something so familiar. I step back to the Public Bank?s ATM and to my suprise .. it was a Windows desktop. The typical win 9x desktop. I?m not sure but it might be Windows NT.

He also has a prove. Lets see :

Source : K4ml’s blog

21 Replies to “Windows in Malaysian ATM Machines?”

  1. is there a way to gain access into the sql server database for the bank? how do i do it?

  2. To be honest, I saw twice in a week that Bank Rakyat ATM machine running Windows!

    and to top it all, it had errors of MS Visual C++. The error dialog box had been appeared almost for a week according to Mat Lepak near the machine. lol

  3. microsoft should customize the windows smally. too stupid if huge windows embedded in ATM.

    use windows ce if better, but don’t show start menu. the windows must seen like windows xp media center or xbox 360…

  4. everything we can do with windows… but Bank must give me permission to use the ATM for another ‘transaction’…

  5. windows embedded… microsoft customized windows xp and windows ce for other device like ATM, phone, medical device etc

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