This is a follow up to my previous post in making Windows XP looks like Classic Ubuntu look. This time you can also make Windows 7 to look like Ubuntu.

You can download the theme from nullzr0z DeviantArt site
Free and Open Source blogger with an attitude
Other operating system discussion, BSD, Windows, MacOS, etc
This is a follow up to my previous post in making Windows XP looks like Classic Ubuntu look. This time you can also make Windows 7 to look like Ubuntu.
You can download the theme from nullzr0z DeviantArt site
The Linux kernel input/output scheduler (IO Schedulers) controls the way the kernel handles read/write to disks. Different I/O schedulers may have different impact on certain workloads. Here are the list of available Linux I/O schedulers:
1) Noop
Noop scheduler is the simplest IO scheduler available in the kernel. It does not perform sorting or seek-prevention. It is intended for devices that has no mechanical parts or is capable of random access such as SSD or flash-disk.
2) Anticipatory (AS)
Anticipatory is the default I/O scheduler for Linux kernel (2.6.x) until it was replaced by CFQ. It tries to optimize disk I/O by minimizing disk seeking/head movement whenever possible. However, it does has performance impact on file and database servers
3) Deadline
As the name implies, the deadline scheduler imposes deadline on all operations. This is to prevent resource starvation, so that every operation can be completed on time without being starved by other operations. The kernel documentation suggests Deadline scheduler to be used on storage and database servers
4) Completely fair-scheduling (CFQ)
CFQ tries to allocate the same resources to all users in the same time interval, hence the name. It tries to allocate fair amount of resources to all users, which would be ideal to use this on a multi-user/multi-purpose system. It is the default scheduler for Linux kernel since 2.6.18.
This is a continuation from my post of running Android on my AMD decTOP machine.
Of all Linux distribution that I tried, I found out that only Puppy Linux offered a usable GUI desktop environment on a plain vanilla AMD decTOP out of the box, but that is not without some effort on the installer side.
On the other hand, it is very easy to get Windows XP running on a plain vanilla AMD decTOP, without additional hardware upgrades. Here is my prove.
It seems Windows XP is more tolerant to low end desktops (or in this case, decTOP) than Linux operating system for fully GUI environment. Are we getting bloated?
AMD decTOP specs
Processor: AMD Geode GX 500, 366 MHz clock rate
Right now I’ve been playing Urban Terror (or UrT), it is a First Person Shooter (FPS) game similar to Counter-Strike. The game was developed using the open source Quake III Arena engine and can be played under GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems.
You can download Urban Terror binaries from Urban Terror Official Website
The game is available for 32bit and 64bit platform and is tested on Fedora 13 and Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) releases
Usually I don’t post things such as promo codes and offerings on my blog, but I’ll make an exception for this case.
Dreamhost has made available 5 promo codes that gives you special offer on their already generous hosting plans, which includes :
Oh they have a Dreamhost Wiki page too
The Promo codes gives you :
Here’s the list of Promo Codes (to be entered in “Promo Code” field when you sign up) :
Alternatively, you may choose to enter “KIROSTUDIO” promo code, to get USD 70.40 discount on their web host offerring!
All promo codes except “KIROSTUDIO” expires on 15 October 2008, so hurry up!
This guide might be a little different from the others because I write this for the Windows users. Here’s how to convert Microsoft OpenXML docx files to odf OpenDocument files (and vice versa) in Windows using only commandline :
odfconverter /I filename.pptx
odfconverter /BATCH-DOCX /I c:\newfiles\
if necessary.
Odfconverter also supports converting Open Document files (ODF, ODP, ODT) to OpenXML files (PPTX,DOCX,XLSX) making it a handy tool to use.
Why odfconverter?
Odfconverter is a (relatively) small and compact standalone tool for converting Office 2007 files to their OpenDocument counterpart. The convenient batch mode conversion makes it attractive tool to use when converting multiple files between the two formats.
The only downside with this converter is that it does not convert mathematical formula pretty well compared to other features.