Redirect (301 Permanently) without using .htaccess

Want to redirect your website to another place but can’t create .htaccess file?

Well this might be a solution to you, if your webhost supports server site php scripting.

The codes below will tell web-client (including search bot) that your website have been Moved Permanently to a new location and redirects them to a new location

The PHP version :
header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header ('Location:');

The ASP version :
Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location",\ ""

What’s wrong with META Refesh tag? Well, firstly, it isn’t supported by all web-client (including bots). Secondly, the search engine will ignore the META Refresh tag and stops indexing your webpage.

By sending server response code 301 Moved Permanently, will inform that your website have been moved to another location and search bots will note that and index the new location instead. :)

p/s: This tip is useful in an event you can’t create a .htaccess file in your webhost.

Gnomefiles – the GTK+ software repository

Have trouble finding FOSS software that uses GUI? Are you seeking certain apps that would fit nicely on your GNOME desktop? Then, you should pay a visit to GnomeFiles

GnomeFiles Logo

GnomeFiles is a software repository which list GTK+/GNOME application exclusively. The website lists applications (in source or binary form) created for the GNOME Desktop and also all GTK+ applications (Unix/Linux/Windows & SkyOS).

The website also list application which uses Gnome/GTK+ bindings such as wxWidgets, pyGTK, GTK#, Java SWT, perl-GTK2, ruby-GTK, etc.

Although GnomeFiles also accepts application submission which is not 100% FOSS, but IMHO, it is a great source to search for GUI application which is supported under Unix-like system, such as GNU/Linux and *BSD.

Visit GnomeFiles at

Series 60 Nokia will have enhanced Java support

According to the news I read from, Nokia have made an annoucement that it’s Java-enabled Series 60 phone will include CDC (Connected Device Configuration) for the Java platform. This is a significant leap for the phone industry, because all of mobile available to the market today only supported CLDC.

According to the website, the introduction of enhanced configuration (CDC) in smartphones will drive opportunities for significant improvements in remote management of mobile devices and creating new business opportunities for Java platform software developers in the mobile middleware market.

New developer tools corresponding to the next generation Java platform for Series 60 will be made available in 2nd half 2005 by Nokia’s global developer support program, Forum Nokia.

w000h000, new SDK and smartphone for me to hack

p/s : Actually, i’ve been waiting for quite some time to get my hand into one of CDC enable-device. This is the time i’m waitin’ for…

Perl IP Subnet Calculator

Hey, i came across this website after strolling around the web aimlessly. It’s IP Subnet Calculator written in perl. Great tools if you are lazy enough to calculate the subnet by your own. The web application is downloadable and in perl. And of course You can host it on your website for other people to use and benefit too.

This applications works great if you want to design your network and break it into a more manageable subnet.

Here’s the link : Perl Ipcalc

I hope that some people would develop an ip/subnet calculator for IPV6 and release it under one of the FOSS license. I’m too busy (and sometime too lazy?) to write one…

p/s : freeware would be ok, but FOSS is way-way better, because other people could port it on other platform.

SSH with PHP 4

Tengah merayau dengan surf internet lepas tu tetiba pulak terjumpa dengan web nie : Introduction to SSH through PHP. Apa yang disampaikan oleh web nie adalah, bagaimana untuk menghasilkan web application yang menggabungkan kefungsian SSH dan PHP4 (PHP 4.3.x)

OpenSSH Logo
PHP Logo

Artikel ini turut juga memberikan contoh-contoh aplikasi yang boleh dibangunkan dengan menggabungkan PHP dan SSH, sedikit aspek-aspek sekuriti (pembaca digalakkan buat homework) dan contoh implementasi script PHP untuk menggunakan SSH.

Di bahagian tengah artikel ini membincangkan cara-cara penyediaan sistem anda termasuk keperluan untuk menggunakan PHP dan SSH. Perbincangan turut meliputi ciri-ciri keselamatan minima SSH termasuk langkah-langkah untuk menghasilkan public-key authentication.

Bahagian akhir artikel ini membincangkan implementasi kelas PHP (PHP Class) untuk memudahkan pengaturcaraan web dilakukan dengan menggunakan SSH. Turut ditegaskan disini, penggunaan PHP Class akan meningkatkan tahap reusability pengaturcaraan web. Contoh yang dibincangkan di bahagian akhir artikel ini, memberikan sebuah skrip PHP mudah untuk mendapatkan proses-proses dalam GNU/Linux untuk dipaparkan di antaramuka web.

Kesimpulannya artikel ini telah sebuah idea inovatif penggunaan SSH dalam pengaturcaraan PHP dan secara tidak langsung membuka pintu untuk menghasilkan aplikasi web yang lebih kreatif pada masa hadapan.

Rujukan :
1. SSH with PHP 4
2. OpenSSH Project
3. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

Fasa bulan dan tarikh hijrah di desktop anda ! ~


Hari ini aku nak presentkan salah satu produk aku yang agak lama di publishkan sebagai salah satu software open source di bawah lesen GNU General Public License.

Traymoon adalah aplikasi System-Tray yang memaparkan fasa bulan dan tarikh dalam bulan hijrah.

Screenshot Traymoon 0.1.0

Rekabentuk traymoon yang mudah dan ringkas membolehkan ia diletakkan di system tray dengan membolehkan pengguna melihat peredaran fasa bulan serta tarikh hijrah di desktop hanya dengan meletakkan mouse-pointer di atas ikon traymoon.

System tray, Traymoon 0.1.0

Traymoon dibina menggunakan bahasa pengaturcaraan C bersama win32 api, dan dikompil oleh Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 (tanpa memerlukan msvcrt7x.dll).

Saiz yang compact dan tidak memerlukan penggunaan *.dll tambahan (spt .NET runtime, Java runtime dan VB) membuatkan traymoon tidak memerlukan ruang ingatan yang besar dan boleh di larikan di mana-mana spec komputer tanpa sebarang masalah keupayaan (Low-CPU Utilization)

Lawatilah halaman Projek Traymoon untuk versi terkini Traymoon.

Links :
Download Traymoon 0.1.0
Project Page Traymoon