Google is working to release Goobuntu

Google has confirmed that it has been working on its own GNU/Linux distribution codename “Goobuntu” . It is also rumored that the distribution is based on the popular Debian GNU/Linux distributions and GNOME desktop. However, it is not confirmed yet whether the Google will distribute “Goobuntu” to public or it is only for internal use.



Translate Mypapit blog in 9 different languages

Thanks to Jibone post and tips, I manage to install Simple Thoughts? WordPress translator plugin, which enables language translation in my blog to 9 different languages. The translation itself is done by Google Language tools and the translation can be expected to be a bit way off.

You just need to click at any of the flag icon to translate this website to your desired language, for example, clicking the French flag will translate this blog into french, and so on. Happy perusing!

Ittutor Mozilla search plugin

I don’t know if anybody has done this, but I’ve hack a Mozilla search plugin for Ittutor forum. Ittutor is a Malaysian forum that focuses on computer related topic and other discussions.

This search plugin is to be use from within Mozilla suite or Mozilla Firefox browser, or any browser that supports Mozilla Mycroft extension

Forum Ittutor

You can get it here : Forum Ittutor Search Plugin

Get Mozilla Firefox Here

Nobody can Google like the Klingon!

klingon, blog, google,, languages

It is rather seems odd to use Google in Klingon language. But it is nice to know that the choice is there. For the uninitated, Klingon is a fictional language of a warlike alien race featured in Star Trek Universe. There’s a lot of Klingon language references in the internet, notably the Klingon Language Institute which is a dedicate website for the Klingon Language. The Institute is a nonprofit corporation and exists to facilitate the scholarly exploration of the Klingon language and culture.

There’s even a blog written entirely in Klingon,, the first ever blog written in Klingon

Fedora Core 5 Test Screenshots

fedora core, fedora, linux, distro

Fedora Core 5 Test 2 has been released, among noticeable changes and improvements in the upcoming Fedora Core 5 release is the new “Fedora” logo, Mozilla Firefox 1.5, and the inclusion of KDE 3.5.

You can download FC5 Test 2 here :
Torrent –

Fedora Core 5 Test 2 Screenshots

Original source via