Microsoft teaches parent to be l33t!

I found this article while surfing Microsoft website about child safety when using the internet. This particular article is trying to educate parents with the slang involved in the internet.

words like l33t, h4x0r, j00,pr0n are explained in the articles as well as guidelines to understand such words when parents came accross them. This articles also may serve as a reference to people who wants to learn l33t5p33k.

Link to the article : A parent’s primer to computer slang

<M$> w00t, j00 4r3 0wn3d !!

Look at the chicks in my house!

Due to popular request from most of my friends and blog reader, I’ve posted the pictures my chicks in the house. This picture was taken when they were 2 weeks old.

Well, i’ve already moved them outside my house where they lived with the rest of their featherly friends.

Chicks 1Chicks 2Chicks 3

Hope you guys enjoy the pics!

The New Doctor Who

Rose Tyler
Ninth Doctor Eccleston
Captain Jack Harkness

Finally i’ve finished watching the entire season (Series 1) of the New Doctor Who. The new series it pretty good and seems to spot latest special effects albeit still maintaining classic “B-Movie” feel to audience.

The new series seems tailor made for newer viewers with most of the episodes are standalone. This is contrary to the Classic Doctor Who where episodes are comprised of a long story arc.

Some good episodes :
Rose – got to love the pilot to watch the entire season
Aliens in London
Father’s day
The parting of ways

Pros : The format of the New Doctor Who is easier to understand for new viewers. Has less annoying cliffhanger episodes.

Cons : They replaced the main actor at the end of the story. No historical-background episode like the previous doctor who. Though there are Daleks, there is no Master!

Overall, it’s an entertaining sci-fi series. Except for some part that I find a bit annoying, but you got to watch it first.

Official website : BBC Doctor Who

Spelling differences: Analyze this, criticise that…

I live in Malaysia, and we use British English in as our second language. But if you work in computer-related field or watched too many hollywood stuff, you may encounter spelling differences between American English and British English.

Most notably is : “program” is actually “programme” in British English. “dialog” is “dialogue”, “argument” is “arguement”

analyze = analyse
critized = critised
color = colour
favorite = favourite
rooster = cock (hehe, ok i’m getting tired of this)

Visit this website for the rest of the words.

Part-time job website in Malaysia

Tired of sitting in your home without doing anything? Bored at your home while waiting for SPM results? Or do you simply want to earn extra income while at home?

I’ve found a website just for you! Visit, and you’ll find yourself with loads of part-time job offering that may suit you!

Need a hand with your work? Then post it here, and let people come and find you! This website is useful for people who are seeking part-time job to fill up their time or for somebody who need part-time worker to do their work!