Stop Comment spams with IP Blacklist Cloud

Comment spams is the bane of any website operator that rely on real human interaction. Stopping comment spams by hand is a tedious process especially when comment spam attacks are sophisticated and are launched from Botnet. There are several techniques that can be employed to fight comment spams including behavioral analysis and also IP analysis.

In maintaining WordPress and Joomla sites, I myself has analyzed several web logfiles and Cloudflare logs to learn that most comment spam originated from certain ip blocks and countries. Therefore, I decided to completely deny access from those affected ip block through firewall (which keep the comment spam low and saves web server resources!)


However, recently I found a new service IP Blacklist Cloud which list the top most blacklisted ip address through collaborative effort. Normally I find blacklisting by ip address is tedious and probably harmful to legitimate visitors, however after conforming the ip addresses that I found inside my spam logs, I decided the list is legitimate and decided to firewall-block some of the worst offenders in the list.

IP Blacklist Cloud free WordPress plugins, which I personally does not use due to my policy of keeping my installation lean with minimal (to no plugins!), however I see that there’s no harm giving a shot!

How to check if your website supports SPDY 3.1

Although Google has announce to drop SPDY support by early February 2016 in favor of HTTP/2, SPDY remains the best HTTP protocol extension to maximize compression and reduce webpage load latency.

The current and final SPDY implementation supported by Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome is SPDY/3.1.

In order to check if your webserver supports SPDY 3.1, just simply:

  1. Go to your website, eg:
  2. Using Chrome, type – “chrome://net-internals/#spdy” at the addressbar
  3. You should see your website name and spdy/3.1 protocol listed, refer to Screenshot below


Additionally, you could go to to check if your web server supports SPDY.

Have fun!

Tips for Securing SSH in Linux Box (Securing SSH Series)

Secured Shell or SSH is a great way to enable a secure login for your UNIX / Linux Box. However there are precaution that you should take in order to properly secure SSH daemon from being scanned or attacked by script kiddies or automated bots.

This week I’m going to write a series of article on securing SSH on Ubuntu Linux Box (VPS) and I’m going to link to this post from time to time.

  1. Disable Root login, enable SSH login for a handful of users only
  2. Install and configure Fail2Ban
  3. Limit access with Firewall Rules (limit by ip block, or ip address)
  4. Limit connection rate to SSH port
  5. Disable keyboard interactive login, Use public-key login
  6. Security Security through obscurity: Hiding SSH version
  7. Security Security through obscurity: Change default SSH ports

Hope this will help in securing your Linux Box / Linux VPS

How to remove Amazon Shopping search result from Unity

Hi there, Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal is out! However the Dash search functionality includes shopping results retrieved from the internet (namely Amazon), which I personally found annoying.


In order to remove that, just run this command:

sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping

This will remove online shopping search suggestions. Your mile may vary, but from my point of view, it does speed-up search result.

Try it!

Compact Grub and Remote Login menu: New features that I love in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

Those who are keeping up with the updates knows that Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal has been released yesterday!

However now I’m going to share two great features that I like about Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal.

#1. New GRUB menu that hides old kernel after updates!

Now, GRUB menu always display “Ubuntu” with each kernel update. All previous kernels are grouped together under the “Advanced options for Ubuntu”.

So you get:

Instead of:

This will keep the computer from listing too many kernels on the boot menu, which is messy in itself.

#2. Remote Login option!

Ubuntu Quantal Quetzal allows users to login remotely to Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server right from Ubuntu Greeter.

Other Features worth mentioning

  • Linux kernel 3.5
  • LibreOffice, featuring menu that can be integrated to Unity menu.