Every once a while you may come across youtube videos on the internet, this service enable easy? video sharing among internet users. However, youtube seems to discourage it users from downloading the videos to their computer.
This? is rather annoying because you’ve to bookmark the video url in your browser in case if you want to watch it again, plus having to wait for the video to download to your computer. The video will be in Flash Video format FLV, which can be played using Mplayer or any compatible Flash Video Player you can find in the internet
Thank god there’s youtube-dl , a small utility written in python which ease up downloading youtube videos. The tool is easy to use with the only requirement is only the python interpreter which can be immediately found in any modern GNU/Linux distro.
Once you downloaded? youtube-dl, all you need to do is run it :
python youtube-dl http://youtube.com/watch?v=yEiML_9NNYA
Of course there’s some video’s in youtube meant for 13 years and above users, so youtube-dl has an option to specify username and password too.
python youtube-dl -u yourname -p mypasswd http://youtube.com/watch?v=yEiML_9NNYA
Because youtube-dl was written in python, it can be used in any operating system platform provided the platform has python interpreter installed including Windows, Mac OS X or any Unix-based platform for that matter.
You can download youtube-dl from it’s creator website.
[tags]youtube,flash,flash videos,flash video,video,sharing,linux, flv,windows[/tags]
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