How to get USB Drive for less than RM20 (USD 5)

o you own a mobile phone that uses RS-MMC, DV RS-MMC or mini-SD card?

Have you recently upgraded your phone’s memory card? What happened to the old memory card that came with the phone? Do you keep it in some drawer, give it to a friend? or just manage to lose it somehow?

Well today I would like to share with you something that I’ve done with an excess 64MB DV RS MMC card that I own.


All you need is to get portable memory card reader, I use the one produced by Edge (, you can get it from your local computer store or Lelong for RM12-18. The memory card supports RS MMC/DV RS MMC/SD/Mini SD card, and its surely flexible, the memory card didn’t fell off the slot even when I carried it everywhere.


Already bought one? Then insert the DV RS MMC (without adapter) to the card reader and voila! You’ve a USB drive for a cost less than RM20 (that’s USD 5 for comparison). Heh, It’s even supported on my Ubuntu Linux.

Portable Card Reader

So keep this in mind the next time you’re upgrading your mobile phone memory card.

memory card, mmc, flash memory, usb drive, ubuntu, linux, debian, card reader, rs-mmc,thumbdrive

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