Download Cool Desktop Themes from

Those who are just trying out the Linux Desktop environment (specifically – Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora) might already familiar with GNOME, one of the two most popular desktop environments for Linux distros.

The customizable look and theme of GNOME desktop has made it an ideal platform for desktop ‘modders’ to modify their Desktop Environment mimicking other operating system desktop such as Mac OS X and Windows Vista

The frequently customized part of GNOME are :

  1. Icons
  2. Wallpapers
  3. Gtk-Engines
  4. Panels

All of which can customized or downloaded from the famous and Gnome Art: Theme section website or other places.

Here are some of the customized GNOME desktop images floating around the internet:

Gnome OS X Theme

Gnome Windows Vista Theme

Gnome Black Theme /></a></p>
<p>[tags]ubuntu,linux,vista,gnome,desktop, kde,vista,windows[/tags]</p>
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