Mozilla Firefox 2.0 Released!

Finally, the official Mozilla Firefox 2.0 has been released, after a brief commotion about “Early Release” link provided from a digg post. I guess some people has learnt valuable lessons about downloading things before the official release.

I won’t repeat improvements that has been already stated on Mozilla? website as I want to stress on my personal opinion about this release.

First of all, I don’t like the shiny ‘visual improvement’ on the Firefox tab but I do feel that browsing internet with firefox is a lot smoother, although it still eats a lot of memory compared to other browsers.

The anti-phising warning is a nice addition to browser which dispense friendly warning of possible phishing site (fake website) that designed to harvest your personal information on the web.

Beside that, two of my extensions were disabled by Firefox 2.0 (PageRank, LiveHttpHeaders), i don’t care much about PageRank, the extension is pretty old anyway, but I do use a lot of LiveHttpHeaders extension for web development. Hope the extension author will take note of this.

Well that’s all that I noticed about Mozilla Firefox 2.0 for now, if you’re a firefox fan, then you should probably get it at : (Unless you’re using extensions that isn’t supported by the new release)

[tags]firefox,mozilla, mozilla firefox, web browser, open source, opensource, bon echo[/tags]

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