Localise Ubuntu Edgy Eft into Malay Language

I don’t know if you already heard about this, but the Ubuntu project is giving you a chance to localise your favorite GNU/Linux applications to your native language. To get involve, all you need to do is register a Launchpad.net account and proceed to Ubuntu Edgy Eft translation page.

From there you can choose which ubuntu apps that you want to localise. The current Malay localisation is about 25% and increasing steadily.
Translation is easy enough, you will be given a list of application to translate and it’s up to you to translate parts that you felt easy to translate with. In addition, you’ll be rewarded ‘karma’ for each translation you made.

Additionally, if you’re involved in localising Ubuntu, then you should add yourself in http://aizatto.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_Team to make it easier for people to reach you. The Malaysian Ubuntu team also has its own IRC channel #ubuntu-my at irc.freenode.net server, feel free to drop by anytime you like, we usually hang around there during .my night-time.

OK, i guess that’s all for now. I’m going to continue translating Ubuntu apps
[tags]ubuntu,debian,linux,l10n,launchpad,wiki,myoss,foss,open source,gnu/linux[/tags]