Cheap Domain name @ 2.99 and hard disk failure

Some of my files on my other hosting company has suffered hardware failures and they lost my accounts, well a couple of my “one-off” website are totally gone, along with some of the files that i mirrored there. Luckily I’ve transfered most of my files/work and this blog to Interunix, back a couple of week a go.

It seems that I’m not the only one who has suffered from hard disk failure, hope that you will recover soon Liew.

By the way, you can get cheap domain name @ USD2.99 from, grab it quick while stock last :p, I’ve bought a couple of domain names at that price too…

9 Replies to “Cheap Domain name @ 2.99 and hard disk failure”

  1. LOL. Why not? Disclose only, they can’t hide the fact that their server was down for one whole week. I’m one of the clients for Hive as well. 1 whole damn week just because the harddisk crashed. And if you read the updates they posted, you would vomit blood – “For unknown reasons, we couldn’t mount the second HDD into the server.” WTF?!

    My backup was 1 week before the crash. So, I lost 3 posts. Damn! And couldn’t blog for 1 whole week, and its still not up yet. While as LiewCF’s had the same thing, but its now running and ready to be used in less than 3 days only.

    Hive… Reconsider. :P

    Now, I am buying a new host. Bah! Tired of waiting already.

  2. lol, can’t disclose that Patrick. But I learned the hard way, always backup your files in case of hardware failures, at least once a month.

  3. Does the webhost name that suffered hardisk failure start with “H”?
    I am also one of their client. Now maybe preparing to lose all my files there.

  4. Wow, you’re lucky :) I’m wondering if it’s only the hard disk failure or someone hacked them(the arabic website?).

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