Hooray, I’ve received Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger CDs after a month wait. The new cover is pretty cool, so does the cd print.
Here’s some photos of the Ubuntu Breezy CDs, full pics at : My Photo Gallery
Free and Open Source blogger with an attitude
Hooray, I’ve received Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger CDs after a month wait. The new cover is pretty cool, so does the cd print.
Here’s some photos of the Ubuntu Breezy CDs, full pics at : My Photo Gallery
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pakai streamyx je. kau beli NIC baru. alang2 dah streamyx, rugi nak pakai dialup.
streamyx pon aku ader…tapi ni kat pc lain, cumer ader dial up jerk…
aku dengo kater kalu streamyx takder prob sgt…psl dier detect ikut LAN card…
aku guner USB modem aztech nyer…model dier UM 9100-u…agak2 camner tuh ek?
ahahaha aku pon dapat gak ubuntu aku! whee!!
hi ahmad…
Boleh order kat http://shipit.ubuntu.com
sori, download bukan upload…
nak tanya papit ni, cd ubuntu tu kau request kat mana? aku dah upload iso nya kat internet, tapi kalau dapat cd ubuntu tu boleh buat collection. he he
azmie, kau kate kau guna streamyx? pakai ppp kan senang…
Salams Azmie,
Internet Dial-up kat Ubuntu straight forward, hanya perlu pilih Connect to Internet kat menu Ubuntu tu.
Semua jenis modem yang boleh disambung ke COM port atau RJ45 (NIC card) di sokong oleh GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, etc.
Untuk USB : Senarai USB Modem yang disokong GNU/Linux
Tapi kalau boleh, elakkan modem USB sama ada dial-up ataupun broadband, sbb banyak yang winmodem. Winmodem ni bukan modem betul, sbb banyak fungsi “modem” di laksanakan secara software emulation.
Maklumat lanjut berkenaan winmodem boleh di dapati kat sini : http://www.devidal.tv/~chris/winmodems/.
Sokonglah modem yang mengikut protokol sambungan yang piawai.
ko biase guner ubuntu linux ker? nak tanyer, aku nih baru ler nak try mende nih, camner aa nak connect internet guner dialup? aku guner USB nyer modem…aku dengo kater yg winmodem ni takleh nak detect…
aku pon baru dpt yg 5.10 nye gak :D