Ever wonder what those geeky acronym means? What about RTFM, SNAFU, IMHO and OTOH? Those acronym are popular on the geek world and for some people who are newbie, they are hard to decrypt.

Certainly there are places where you can refer those acronym, but generic English dictionary isn’t one of it.

Enter wtf, a geek acronym definition finder. You can download it from It can be handy to use if you came across those rather cryptic acronym while reading the newsgroup or while on IRC.

The wtf is made of bourne shell script and should be portable on platform that use it’s variant (bash, ksh, zsh, ash, etc). Installation is simple, just :

$ tar -zxvf wtf-20050505.tar.gz
$ cd wtf-20050505
$ chmod 555 wtf
$ su
password: <you entered your r00t password>
# install wtf /usr/bin
# install acronym /usr/share/misc/acronym
# exit

Hey, that’s unix! I want to run it on my own M$ Windows XP 32 b33t! I grow up with M$ products!

oops, maybe I forgot to mention that you could run it in any environment that offers bourne compatible shell. I suggest you install MinGW or CygWin on your Windows pc and proceed with the above installation step.

Here’s the screenshot of my Windows Desktop running wtf inside CygWin.

Wtf Screenshot on mypapit desktop

Fancy huh? Guess you dont have to STFW to find cryptic acronym anymore….

p/s: Greetz to El-Lotso for pointing out wtf to me