Playstation 3 can run Linux !

Great news for Linux Gamers geeks out there, there have been confirmation that the latest Sony Playstation 3 will be able to run Linux! The rumours itself have been confirmed by Sony Entertainment Presiden, Ken Kutaragi.

Playstation 3 Concept Pix

However, Playstation 3 owners will still have to add hard drive to their console as the PS3 won’t ships with HDD by default. To quote Kutaragi on that matter,

“We’re not going to equip [the PS3 with] a HDD by default, because no matter how much [capacity] we put in it, it won’t be enough.”

He acknowledged that, by running Linux, the Playstation can be used for other applications than gaming console, such as video editing and photo retouching.

Playstation 3 Game Console

To summarize that, Sony apparently wants to position their Playstation 3 as more than a game console, citing it as “supercomputer”.

Seems that Sony acknowledgement about the usefulness of Linux as an OS for it’s Playstation may be a good sign for the free OS platform. Let’s hope this trend continues in the future….

References :
1. The Inquirer
2. Tech Spot

2 Replies to “Playstation 3 can run Linux !”

  1. Aku ingat2 lupa, lecturer Animation aku dulu cakap dia ada nak buat projek clustering utk image rendering gunakan PS2 + Linux ..tak tau la jadi ke tak jadi, tapi rasanya boleh..

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