Checking if website is Mobile-Friendly

Google has announced that they will take Mobile-Friendly site into account when indexing sites. Thus, it is prudent to ensure the particular website that you’re maintaining is mobile friendly.

There are two main tools released by Google for testing if the website is Mobile-Friendly:

  1. Google Mobile Friendly Test
  2. PageSpeed Insights

However, personally I like PageSpeed Insights tool better because it gave more in-depth explanation on how to improve my site.


Have fun trying out. Free service to monitor website uptime

It is undeniable that uptime is important for business and personal websites. For example, a website with low uptime may mean that the host is having technical problem or the web server is overwhelmed by client requests (serving web pages may incur a lot of overhead) service does not require sign-up, you need to submit your email address and website url, and pingness will send reports of your site downtime (if any) and when the website is back-online.


Please update/patch and secure Litespeed web server

Due to the widespread of Litespeed 0-day attack which has affected local websites, it’s imperative for all sysadmin and website operator to patch/update and upgrade the security of the Litespeed web server.

This attack is dangerous particularly because the attacker can gain shell access with the same privileges of the web server or the user that runs the web server. Usually this allow the attacker to peek into database content and downloads it.

Patch now!, the security and privacy of your users are at the stake!

How to Hide Apache2 and PHP version without using mod_security in Ubuntu Linux

Although security by obscurity is not the best policy to protect your IS assets, but it is still useful to thwarts simple network scanner or newbie crackers.

Note: This tip is written for Ubuntu Linux, the steps is similar to other GNU/Linux distro, albeit with a slight variant.

Hiding Apache2 version
Edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Add these lines at the end of the file:
ServerSignature Off
ServerTokens Prod

Restart Apache2
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Hiding PHP version
Edit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini file

Find these lines, and switch it off:
expose_php = Off
display_errors = Off

Additionally you may disable certain ‘risky’ functions in php by editing the disable_functions line:
disable_functions = phpinfo, system,show_source,

Finally, you may restart Apache2 web server.
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

How to solve Apache – Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified name – error in Ubuntu

Apache2 web server will almost always display this information message :
"Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified name"
when it is first started in Ubuntu and Debian server.

The reason behind this message is because the web server fails to find the suitable domain name in the system.

How to remove the message
First, you need to edit “/etc/hosts” file and put your server name of choice in the file. For example: server.mylocal

Then you need to add “ServerName” directive in the “/etc/apache2/apache2.conf” file.

ServerName server.mylocal

Finally, restart the web server for the changes to take effect. You will notice that the information message is gone now.

$ sudo service apache2 restart