Automatically generate gallery with llgal

LLGAL (llgal) is an tool which can automatically generate gallery on your website. llgal is handy if you want to generate photo album out of photos organized in directories/folders.

Running llgal from the console is easy as typing the llgal command at the root directory of your photos.

llgal --exif --li -L -R --title "Album Name" --sx 960 --sy 720 --tx 250 --ty 150

In Ubuntu, the gallery’s theme is located in “/usr/share/llgal/” directory and my customized theme which supports mobile phone can be downloaded here: (mobile enabled)

llgal Screenshot

Personally, i use llgal to generate cctv tiles automatically on my Ubuntu server from which my TP-LINK NC450 and NC250 IP camera uploads through its FTP functions when it detects movements/motion.



llgal can be installed on Ubuntu by running this command

apt -y install llgal

Alternatively you can compile and install llgal directly from its repository

ImageMagick thumbnailer scripts for blog

Hey there, I’d like to share my dirt-easy script for creating thumbnail in blog post. The script will scale any image to the width of 456pixels which I find acceptable by most blog theme (actually the limit is around 460-465 pixel, but better be safe).

Why I wrote yet another script for scaling images? because I find and WordPress system of uploading images and photo annoys me, and I rather upload my pictures/photos on my own private server and create thumbnails on my own.

I licensed the download under WTFPL , don’t worry its a free software license.

Download :