Generate EAN,UPC,ISBN barcodes in Ubuntu / Debian Linux

barcode‘ is a utility in Debian GNU/Linux distribution used for generating common 1-D barcode: EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC, ISBN, code93, code128 & codabar.
barcode outputs file in postscript format which can be converted to PDF with the ‘ps2pdf‘ utility


1. Outputs isbn barcode and converts it to PDF file

$  barcode -o -e isbn
$  ps2pdf

2. Outputs EAN-13 barcode

$ barcode -o -e ean

If you are looking for a tool that could generate QR Code, then you can try ‘qrencode

Generate QR Code in Ubuntu Linux

You can easily generate QR Code under Ubuntu using the command line ‘qrencode’ package. In Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal, you can install qrencode using this command:

apt-get install qrencode

To generate QR Code image, you only need to run this command:
qrencode -l L -v 1 -o qrcode-test.png "Hello, World!"

QR Code is a form of 2 dimensional barcode which can store arbitary text data including URL, email or plain text. For more information, please refer to the QR Code Wikipedia Entry